Re: Help on Cassandra Limitaions

2013-09-06 Thread Hannu Kröger
Hi, Well, that was a word to word quotation. :) Anyways, I think what you just said is a better explanation than those two previous ones. I hope it ends up on the wiki page because what it says there now is causing confusion, no matter how correct it technically is :) Cheers, Hannu 2013/9/6 Sy

Cassandra 1.2.4 - Unflushed data lost on restart

2013-09-06 Thread Thapar, Vishal (HP Networking)
I am running Cassandra 1.2.4 in standalone mode and see a data loss when I stop/start Cassandra [kill the task]. All data is written in atomic mutation batches. I can see the files in commitlog directory but they're not replayed. If I flush the data before stopping Cassandra, it is available on

Cassandra Reads

2013-09-06 Thread Sridhar Chellappa
Folks, When I read Column(s) from a table, does Cassandra read only that column? Or, does it read the entire row into memory and then filters out the contents to send only the requested column(s) ?

Re: Cassandra crashes

2013-09-06 Thread Alex Major
Have you changed the appropriate config settings so that Cassandra will run with only 2GB RAM? You shouldn't find the nodes go down. Check out this blog post, it outlines the configuration settings nee

Re: Cassandra Reads

2013-09-06 Thread Shahab Yunus
It only reads till that column (a sequential scan, I believe) and do not read the whole row. It uses a row-level column index to reduce the amount of data read. Much more details at (first 2-3 are must-reads in fact): http://www.d

Re: Help on Cassandra Limitaions

2013-09-06 Thread Shahab Yunus
Also, Sylvain, you have couple of great posts about relationships between CQL3/Thrift entities and naming issues: I always refer to them when I get confuse :) Regards, Shahab On Fri, Sep

Cannot get secondary indexes on fields in compound primary key to work (Cassandra 2.0.0)

2013-09-06 Thread Petter von Dolwitz (Hem)
I am struggling with getting secondary indexes to work. I have created secondary indexes on some fields that are part of the compound primary key but only one of the indexes seems to work (the one set on the field 'e' on the table definition below). Using any other secondary index in a where clause

Re: Cassandra crashes

2013-09-06 Thread Jan Algermissen
On 06.09.2013, at 13:12, Alex Major wrote: > Have you changed the appropriate config settings so that Cassandra will run > with only 2GB RAM? You shouldn't find the nodes go down. > > Check out this blog post >

Re: Cassandra 1.2.4 - Unflushed data lost on restart

2013-09-06 Thread sankalp kohli
You should be using replication. Not all machines will power off at the same time. Regarding changing the fsync setting, even if you choose it to be fully sync, there have been many studies which have shown that data was lost on many SSDs even after fsync has returned. So I will fix this problem by

Tuning for heavy write load with limited RAM

2013-09-06 Thread Jan Algermissen
Trying to approach this in a bit more structured way to make it more helpful for others. AFAIU my problem seems to be the combination of heavy write load and very limited RAM (2GB). C* design seems to cause nodes to run out of heap space instead of reducing processing of incoming writes. Wha

Re: Cassandra 1.2.4 - Unflushed data lost on restart

2013-09-06 Thread Robert Coli
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 2:42 AM, Thapar, Vishal (HP Networking) <> wrote: > I am running Cassandra 1.2.4 in standalone mode and see a data loss when I > stop/start Cassandra [kill the task]. > Clean shutdown waits for commitlog flush. Unclean shutdown does not. In default periodic m

RE: Cassandra 1.2.4 - Unflushed data lost on restart

2013-09-06 Thread Thapar, Vishal (HP Networking)
My usage requirements are such that there should be least possible data loss even in case of a poweroff. When you say clean shutdown do you mean Cassandra service stop? I ran across this issue when testing out different scenarios to figure out what would be best configuration for my requirement

Is there a client side method of determining the Cassandra version to which it is connected?

2013-09-06 Thread Dwight Smith
This question is specific to Thrift - but in the process of moving to CQL - so either client will be fine. Thanks

Re: is there a SSTAbleInput for Map/Reduce instead of ColumnFamily?

2013-09-06 Thread Jim Ancona
Unfortunately, Netflix doesn't seem to have released Aegisthus as open source. Jim On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 1:44 PM, Jeremiah D Jordan <> wrote: > FYI: > > > -Jeremiah > > On Aug 30, 2013, at 9

Re: Is there a client side method of determining the Cassandra version to which it is connected?

2013-09-06 Thread Nate McCall
You can get a good idea from describe_version which displays the thrift API version. Here are some mappings I have in my notes: 1.1.12 has an API version of 19.33.0 1.2.0 has an API version of 19.35.0 1.2.8 has an API version of 19.36.0 On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Dwight Smith wrote: > Thi

Re: Cannot get secondary indexes on fields in compound primary key to work (Cassandra 2.0.0)

2013-09-06 Thread Robert Coli
On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Petter von Dolwitz (Hem) <> wrote: > I am struggling with getting secondary indexes to work. I have created > secondary indexes on some fields that are part of the compound primary key > but only one of the indexes seems to work (the one

Re: Cassandra 1.2.4 - Unflushed data lost on restart

2013-09-06 Thread Mohit Anchlia
Are you not using RF >= 3 ? On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Thapar, Vishal (HP Networking) <> wrote: > My usage requirements are such that there should be least possible data > loss even in case of a poweroff. When you say clean shutdown do you mean > Cassandra service stop? > > I