Sounds like a nasty heisenbug, can you replace or rebuild the machine?
Heisenbug :D
(never heard this name before :-) )
I thought so too, but I finally managed to reproduce it locally (it
requires 3 nodes, one of them needs to have a specific token assigned),
the rest just have to be present
Hmmm... In general it seems that for some reason Cassandra reads invalid
value when trying to get key length (it should be ~100-150, but it gets
2048), then basing on this value it reads too much data and when trying
to read next key's length again it reads some garbage translating it to
a garg
By "it is still there" I mean that when I do get request in Cassandra cli I
get the column, as well as when I try to read the column using Hector.
I don't think it is a matter of tombstone. I have the default
gc_grace_seconds and I run repair weekly (will run on Sunday).
Other columns for same CF e
From: Michael Kjellman []
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: unsubscribe
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The exception on that node was just this
ERROR [Thread-6056] 2013-05-22 14:47:59,416 (line
132) Exception in thread Thread[Thread-6056,5,main]
Hi Aaron,
We have a pretty big key space and have found to get a decent key cache hit
rate it needs to be quite large.
We get 3 SStables per read at the 99th percentile, 2 at the 98th and 95th, 1
below that.
No problems at the moment with GC, but we're still quite early in our
Hi all,
I am trying to migrate some some Hector's RangeSlicesQuery to Astyanax, but
the only method I have found is getKeyRange[1] which in turn has four
parameters startKey,endKey, startToken, endToken, and count.
The thing is that I am not sure what are the startToken and endToken
parameters u
We have a corrupt sstable databus5-nreldata-ib-36763-Data.db. How do we safely
blow this away? (and then we would run repair to make sure all data is still
Can we just move the file out from under cassandra? (or would cassandra freak
Delete the data, and associated index/filter/etc files. (all the files with
the same number). If you are reading at one, bring the node up and disable
thrift then run repair. If you are reading at quorum or higher, not a big
need to stop thrift. Just run repair.
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 10:07 AM,
Hi all,
I need to support a legacy API where page offset and limit are on the input
of the API call (it used to be mapped directly to offset and limit MySQL
select options). The data are pretty small (like really small,
some hundreds of thousands narrow rows maximum - I use Cassandra for its
hmm, I only can say it may caused by corrupt SSTable...
Stream hang on unexpected error was fixed in 1.2.5
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Hiller, Dean wrote:
> The exception on that node was just this
> ERROR [Thread-6056] 2013-05-22 14:
For anyone else that might be interested, when the stream hangs, there is no
exceptions around that time frame as to what exactly happened and why it
hung(there is an exception just not informative at all). We did find other
exceptions that we "thought" were unrelated though days before. We fo
Lol, yup, I just found out that is the issue
On 5/24/13 8:55 AM, "Yuki Morishita" wrote:
>hmm, I only can say it may caused by corrupt SSTable...
>Stream hang on unexpected error was fixed in 1.2.5
>On Fri, May 24, 2013
The short answer is yes, you can rely on the ordering of keys being
consistent. They will always be returned in partitioner order.
This is pretty much implied by the existence of the token() function so
it's not going to change (if only because changing it would break people).
On Fri,
I seem to remember problems with ghost nodes, etc. and I seem to remember if
you are replacing a node and you don’t use the same ip, this can cause issues.
Is this correct?
We would like the new node to keep the same token, and the same host name but
are wondering if we can change the ip since
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Hiller, Dean wrote:
> We have a corrupt sstable databus5-nreldata-ib-36763-Data.db. How do we
> safely blow this away? (and then we would run repair to make sure all data
> is still there)…
> Can we just move the file out from under cassandra? (or would cass
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Hiller, Dean wrote:
> We then tried to mv the file and got a Input/Output Error so now we know
> something is really wrong and could be a hardware issue(which is sad since
> this hardware is not even a year old yet).
D'oh, knew I should have suggested underlying
Hi aaron an thanks,
> If you are reading and writing at CL QUOURM and getting inconsistent
results that sounds like a bug. If you are mixing the CL levels such that R
+ W <= N then it's expected behaviour.
I think it's a bug, it concern only some keys (~200 over 120 000 keys) on
one column family,
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 9:01 AM, Hiller, Dean wrote:
> I seem to remember problems with ghost nodes, etc. and I seem to remember if
> you are replacing a node and you don’t use the same ip, this can cause
> issues. Is this correct?
If you don't use replace_token, this won't work at all. You'll
Hi all,
I am using Astyanax and Hector client within an application but right now I
am hitting a dependency issue [1] related to Guava version being used by
Hector and Astyanax which makes Maven headache. I have taken it out as
exclusions within my poms but I still get the dependency issue.
Do you
you can specify startKey/endKey only if you use ByteOrederedPartitioner. In
this case startToken/endToken are null.
I guess (but not sure) with RandomPartitioner you have to specify
startToken/endToken, keys are null then.
Thank you,
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 6:53 AM, Renato Marroquín Mog
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