In cql to perform a query based on columns you have to create a index on
that column. What exactly happening when we create a index on a column.
What the index column family might contain.
W dniu 26.04.2013 03:45, aaron morton pisze:
You can drop the hints via JMX and stopping the node and deleting the SSTables.
Thanks for advice :-) It's +/- what I did. I've paused hints delivery
first and then I upgraded whole cluster to C* with CASSANDRA-5179 patch
applied, removing the SSTa
top command? st : time stolen from this vm by the hypervisor
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Michael Theroux wrote:
> Sorry, Not sure what CPU steal is :)
> I have AWS console with detailed monitoring enabled... things seem to
> track close to the minute, so I can see the CPU load go t
Of course:
>From CQL 2 (cqlsh -2):
delete '183#16684','183#16714','183#16717' from myCF where key = 'all';
And selecting this data as follow gives me the result above:
select '1228#16857','1228#16866','1228#16875','1237#16544','1237#16553'
from myCF where key = 'all';
>From thrift (phpCassa cl
I just asked this exact same question but after maybe after reading a bit
more doc than you did. You may want to read this thread:
You also may want to read some doc. Datastax explain things quite well and
update the
I copied the wrong query:
In CQL 2 it was:
delete '1228#16857','1228#16866','1228#16875' from myCF where key = 'all';
Sorry about the mistake.
2013/4/26 Alain RODRIGUEZ
> Of course:
> From CQL 2 (cqlsh -2):
> delete '183#16684','183#16714','183#16717' from myCF where key = 'all';
> And
Some extra information you could provide which will help debug this: the
logs from those 3 nodes which have no data and the output of "nodetool ring"
Before seeing those I can only guess, but my guess would be that in the
logs on those 3 nodes you will see this: "Calculating new tokens" and this:
Hi All
We are testing Cassandra 1.2.3 (3 nodes with RF:2) with
FluentCassandra driver. At first many CF are being created in parallel
(about 1000 CF). After creation is done follows many insertions of
little amount of data into the DB. During tests we're receiving some
exceptions from driver, e.g.
I am using the same version and observed something similar.
I've added a new node, but the instructions from Datastax did not work for me.
Then I ran "nodetool rebuild" on the new node. After finished this command, it
contained two times the load of the other nodes. Even when I ran "nodetool
Hi all!
We are using Cassandra 1.2.1 with a 8 node cluster running at Amazon. We
started with 6 nodes and added the 2 later. When performing some reads in
Cassandra, we observed a high difference between gets using the primary key and
gets using secondary indexes:
[default@Sessions] get Users
On 2013-04-26 11:55, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:
Of course:
From CQL 2 (cqlsh -2):
delete '183#16684','183#16714','183#16717' from myCF where key = 'all';
And selecting this data as follow gives me the result above:
select '1228#16857','1228#16866','1228#16875','1237#16544','1237#16553'
from myCF
PlayOrm now supports mongodb and cassandra with a query language that is
portable across both systems as well.
We weren't monitoring this value when the issue occurred, and this particular
issue has not appeared for a couple of days (knock on wood). Will keep an eye
out though,
On Apr 26, 2013, at 5:32 AM, Jason Wee wrote:
> top command? st : time stolen from this vm by the hypervisor
I hope the Cassandra Community can help me finding a decision.
The project i am working on actually is located in industrial plant,
machines are connected to a server an every 5 minutes i get data from the
machines about its status. We are talking about a production with 100+
machines, so the data
Well, it depends more on what you will do with the data. I know I was on a
sybase(RDBMS) with 1 billion rows but it was getting close to not being able to
handle more (constraints had to be turned off and all sorts of optimizations
done and expert consultants brought in and everything).
BUT th
Decommissioning those nodes isn't a problem. When you say remove all the
data, I assume you mean rm -rf my data directory (the default
I'd done this prior to starting up the nodes, because they were installed
with from the apt-get repo, which automatically starts cassandra
Thanks very much, Aaron, for your answer!
You are effectively doing a multi get. Getting more than one row at a
time is normally faster, but there will be a drop off point where the
improvements slow down. Run some tests.
Also consider that each row you requests creates RF number of c
Apparently when I update a column using CQL that already has a TTL, it
resets the TTL to null, so if there was already a TTL for all columns that
I inserted part of a composite column set, this specific column that I
updated will not expire while the others are are getting expired. Is it how
it is
This seems to be the correct behavior. An update refreshes the TTL, as it
does in memcache for example. Yet, what I do not know is whether this
behavior can be changed somehow to let the initial TTL, this might be
useful on some use cases.
2013/4/26 Shahryar Sedghi
> Apparently when I up
The issue is, I can get the original TTL using the select and use it for
the update, however since TTL can not be dynamic (using ?) it will exhaust
the prepared statement cache, because I have tons of updates like this and
every one will have a different signature due to changing TTL. I am using
This is indeed intended. That behavior is largely dictated by how the
storage engine works, and the fact that an update does no read internally
in particular.
Yet, what I do not know is whether this behavior can be changed somehow to
> let the initial TTL,
There's nothing like that supported, n
That is more or less what I was guessing, thanks for these precision.
2013/4/26 Sylvain Lebresne
> This is indeed intended. That behavior is largely dictated by how the
> storage engine works, and the fact that an update does no read internally
> in particular.
> Yet, what I do not know is wh
Thanks Sylvain
So how to avoid the prepared statement cache exhaustion, is there a way to
either make TTL dynamic (using ?) or tell the engine not to cache the
Prepared statement. I am using the new CQL Java Driver.
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Sylvain Lebresne wrote:
> This is
> is there a way to either make TTL dynamic (using ?)
Not at this time. There is
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-4450 open for that, but
that's not done yet.
> tell the engine not to cache the Prepared statement. I am using the new
> CQL Java Driver.
In that case, just don'
We are created a new partitioner that groups some rows with **different** row
keys on the same replicas.
But neither the batch_mutate, or the multiget_slice are able to take
opportunity of this partitioner-defined placement to vectorize/batch
communications between the coordinator and the
Okay one billion rows of data is a lot, compared to that i am far far away
- means i can stay with Oracle? Maybe.
But you're right when you say its not only about big data but also about
your need.
So storing the data is one part, doing analytical analysis is the second. I
do a lot of calculations
I would at least start with 3 cheap nodes with RF=3 and start with CL=TWO on
writes and reads most likely getting your feet wet. Don't buy very expensive
computers like a lot do getting into the game for the first time…Every time I
walk into a new gig, they seem to think they need to spend 6/10
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 3:48 AM, Sam Overton wrote:
> If that is the case then it means you accidentally started those three nodes
> with the default configuration (single-token) and then subsequently changed
> (num_tokens) and then joined them into the cluster.
This would seem to be another reas
Small relief we're not the only ones that had this issue.
We're going to try running a shuffle before adding a new node again...
maybe that will help
- John
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 5:07 AM, Francisco Nogueira Calmon Sobral <
fsob...@igcorp.com.br> wrote:
> I am using the same version and obser
I believe that "nodetool rebuild" is used to add a new datacenter, not just
a new host to an existing cluster. Is that what you ran to add the node?
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 1:27 PM, John Watson wrote:
> Small relief we're not the only ones that had this issue.
> We're going to try r
30 matches
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