CorruptSSTableException in system keyspace

2013-04-01 Thread Alexander Shutyaev
Hi all! Our app currently moves from *hibernate* to *cassandra+solr* combination (we use our own storage abstraction for this). We have a lot of junit integration tests that use database. Now we've decided to use these tests to test our *cassandra+solr* storage implementation (given that on * hibe

Re: Lost data after expanding cluster c* 1.2.3-1

2013-04-01 Thread Kais Ahmed
> At this moment the errors started, we see that members and other data are gone, at this moment the nodetool status return (in red color the 3 new nodes) > What errors? The errors was in my side in the application, not cassandra errors > I put for each of them seeds = A ip, and start each with tw

how to test our transfer speeds

2013-04-01 Thread Hiller, Dean
(we plan on running similar performance tests on cassandra but wanted to understand the raw foot print first)….. Someone in ops was doing a test transferring 1T of data from one node to another. I had a huge concern I emailed him that this could end up being a completely sequential write not t

how to stop out of control compactions?

2013-04-01 Thread William Oberman
I'll skip the prelude, but I worked myself into a bit of a jam. I'm recovering now, but I want to double check if I'm thinking about things correct. Basically, I was in a state where a majority of my servers wanted to do compactions, and rather large ones. This was impacting my site performance.

hints compaction

2013-04-01 Thread Dane Miller
Hi, Several of my nodes have been compacting system.hints for over 24 hours with no progress, causing high load on otherwise idle nodes. I'm seeing 30-50 Data.db files in system/hints/ What are the proper compaction settings for the hints CF? Mine are: compaction={'min_threshold': '0', 'class':

Re: how to stop out of control compactions?

2013-04-01 Thread Gregg Ulrich
You may want to set compaction threshold and not throughput. If you set the min threshold to something very large (10), compactions will not start until cassandra finds this many files to compact (which it should not). In the past I have used this to stop compactions on a node, and then run a

IndexOutOfBoundsException during repair, streaming

2013-04-01 Thread Dane Miller
I hit some more errors while running repair. Repair starts streaming, and then hangs. On 2 of the 3 nodes involved in the repair, "nodetool netstats" show no streams. On the 3rd node there is an error in the logs and "nodetool netstats" show several streams that appear hung -- no progress in abo

BI/Analtyics/Warehousing for data in C*

2013-04-01 Thread Brian O'Neill
We are trudging through an options analysis for BI/DW solutions for data stored in C*. I'd love to hear people's experiences. Here is what we've found so far: Maybe we just use Intravert with a custom handler to handle

Re: Lots of Deleted Rows Came back after upgrade 1.1.6 to 1.1.10

2013-04-01 Thread Arya Goudarzi
Filed However, I don't think that was our issue as we don't have nodes down for a long period of time. The longest we had a node down was for a day, and it was replaced within few hours. I hav

Re: CorruptSSTableException in system keyspace

2013-04-01 Thread aaron morton
What version are you using ? There are two tickets with similar issues fixed in 1.2.X releases. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Consultant New Zealand @aaronmor

Re: Lost data after expanding cluster c* 1.2.3-1

2013-04-01 Thread aaron morton
> The problem come from that i don't put auto_boostrap to true for the new > nodes, not in this documentation > ( auto_bootstrap defaults to True if not specified in the yaml. > can i do that at any time, or when the cluster are not loaded No

Re: how to test our transfer speeds

2013-04-01 Thread aaron morton
> If not, maybe I just generate the same 1,000,000 files on each machine, then > randomly delete 1/2 the files and stream them from the other machine as > writing those files would all be in random locations again forcing a much > worse measurement of MB/sec I would think. Not sure I understand

Re: hints compaction

2013-04-01 Thread aaron morton
> What are the proper compaction settings for the hints CF? Mine are: > compaction={'min_threshold': '0', 'class': > 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '0'} Compaction is run manually by the code when it finishes delivering hints. > Is hints compaction a common problem? What are s

Re: how to stop out of control compactions?

2013-04-01 Thread aaron morton
> Set the min and max > compaction thresholds for a given column family +1 for setting the max_compaction_threshold (as well as the min) on the a CF when you are getting behind. It can limit the size of the compactions and give things a chance to complete in a reasonable time. Cheers

Re: IndexOutOfBoundsException during repair, streaming

2013-04-01 Thread aaron morton
> ERROR [Thread-232] 2013-04-01 22:22:21,760 (line > 133) Exception in thread Thread[Thread-232,5,main] > java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: index (2) must be less than size (2) >at > >

Unable to prefix in astyanax read query

2013-04-01 Thread Apurva Jalit
I have a scheme as follows: TimeStamp Device ID Device Name Device Owner Device location I have created this column family using CQL and defined the primary key as (TimeStamp,Device ID, Device Name). Through a serializable object that has fields for DeviceID, name and a field name (which s