Hello Chin,
you can extract delta using pig script and save it in another CF in Cassandra.
By using Pentaho kettle you can then load the data from the CF to RDBMS.
Pentaho Kettle is open source project. All of the process you can automate
through Azkaban or Ozzie.
Kafka is also an alternatives
What kind of official statement do you want? As far as I can be considered
an official voice of the project, my statement is: "various people run in
production with Java 7 and it seems to work".
Or to answer the initial question, the only issue related to Java 7 that I
know of is CASSANDRA-4958, b
I wrote an ETL tool for Cassandra which is based on scanning the binary
commit log of each node, extracting which keys have received inserts,
filtering them by the column timestamp to only select the last X minutes
mutations, then it issues a multiget to Cassandra to get the freshest
version of the
Does Datastax (or any other company) support Cassandra under Java 7?
Or will they tell you to downgrade when you have some problem, because
they don't support C* running on 7?
At least that would be one way of defining "officially supported".
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 2:22 AM, Sylvain Lebresne wro
I was able to resolr this issue by removing Hadoop from the class path.
On Wednesday, December 12, 2012, aaron morton wrote:
> there is about 3 checks that should have caught the Null.
> at
> org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.ConfigHelper.getInputSlicePredicate(ConfigHelper.java:176)
> This
In addition, the DataStax official documentation states: "Versions earlier than
1.6.0_19 should not be used. Java 7 is not recommended."
On Dec 14, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Aaron Turner wrote:
> Does Datastax (or any other company) support Cassan
for what it's worth, I'm running on java 7 with 1.1.x release without
any problems.
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Drew Kutcharian wrote:
> In addition, the DataStax official documentation states: "Versions earlier
> than 1.6.0_19 should not be used. Java 7 is not recommended."
> http://ww
"At least that would be one way of defining "officially supported".
Not quite, because, Datastax is not Apache Cassandra.
"the only issue related to Java 7 that I know of is CASSANDRA-4958, but that's
osx specific (I wouldn't advise using osx in production anyway) and it's not
directly related
We have an unusual situation that I believe I've reproduced, at least
temporarily, in a test environment. I also think I see where this issue is
occurring in the code.
We have a specific column family that is under heavy read and write load on a
nightly basis. For the purposes of thi