Re: constant CMS GC using CPU time

2012-10-26 Thread aaron morton
> How does compaction_throughput relate to memory usage? It reduces the rate of memory allocation. e.g. Say normally ParNew can keep up with the rate of memory usage without stopping for too long: so the rate of promotion is low'ish and every thing is allocated to Eden. If the allocation rate

Re: What does ReadRepair exactly do?

2012-10-26 Thread aaron morton
>> replicas but to ensure we read at least one newest value as long as write >> quorum succeeded beforehand and W+R > N. > This is correct. It's not that a quorum of nodes agree it's that a quorum of nodes participate. If a quorum participate in both the write and read you are guaranteed that one

Re: Hinted Handoff storage inflation

2012-10-26 Thread Mattias Larsson
On Oct 24, 2012, at 6:05 PM, aaron morton wrote: > Hints store the columns, row key, KS name and CF id(s) for each mutation to > each node. Where an executed mutation will store the most recent columns > collated with others under the same row key. So depending on the type of > mutation hints