>From my point of view an other problem with using the "standard column
family" for counting is transactions. Cassandra lacks of them, so if you're
multithreaded updating counters, how will you keep track of that? Yes, I'm
aware of software like Zookeeper to do that, however I'm not sure whether
See my comments inline
2012/9/25 Aaron Turner
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Віталій Тимчишин
> wrote:
> > Why so?
> > What are pluses and minuses?
> > As for me, I am looking for number of files in directory.
> > 700GB/512MB*5(files per SST) = 7000 files, that is OK from my view.
> > 700G
One node in my cluster stay in "joining". I found a jira about this, which is
fixed,but still sees the similar thing. This is a node I remove the token first
becauseit did not boot correctly and re-joined in the cluster without any
pre-set token(shouldI set the previous token?).
As you see b
I've recently noticed several threads about Cassandra
Counters inconsistencies and started seriously think about possible
workarounds like store realtime counters in Redis and dump them daily to
So general question, should I rely on Counters if I want 100% accuracy?
Thanks, Ed
On Tue,
Thanks a lot for helping. We came to the same decision clustering one
report to multiple cassandra rows (sorted buckets of report rows) and
manage clusters on client side.
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 5:28 AM, aaron morton wrote:
> What exactly is the problem with big rows?
> During compaction the r
Is this a bug? I'm using Cassandra 1.0.11:
INFO 13:45:43,750 Compacting
We use counters in production with Cassandra 1.0.5. Though since our
application is sensitive to write latency and we are seeing problems with
Frequent Young Garbage Collections, and also we just do increments
(decrements have caused problems for some people)
We don't see inconsistencies
If you need anything added/fixed, just let PlayOrm know. PlayOrm has been able
to quickly add so far…that may change as more and more requests come but so far
PlayOrm seems to have managed to keep up.
We are using it live by the way already. It works out very well so far for us
(We have 5000
> So general question, should I rely on Counters if I want 100% accuracy?
Even not considering potential bugs, counters being not idempotent, if you
get a TimeoutException during a write (which can happen even in relatively
normal conditions), you won't know if the increment went in or n
In a relatively untroubled cluster, even timed out writes go through,
provided no messages are dropped. Which you can monitor on cassandra
nodes. We have 100% consistency on our production servers as we don't
see messages being dropped on our servers.
Though as you mention, there would be
@Sylvain and @Rohit: Thanks for your answers.
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Sylvain Lebresne wrote:
> So general question, should I rely on Counters if I want 100% accuracy?
> No.
> Even not considering potential bugs, counters being not idempotent, if
> you get a TimeoutException dur
> In a relatively untroubled cluster, even timed out writes go through,
> provided no messages are dropped.
This all depends of your definition of "untroubled" cluster, but to be
clear, in a cluster where a node dies (which for Cassandra is not
considered abnormal and will happen to everyone no ma
In the playOrm data modeling, if I understood it correctly, every CF
has its own id, right? For instance, User would have its own ID, Activities
would have its own id, etc. What if I have a trillion activities? Wouldn't
be a problem to have 1 row id for each activity?
Cassandra alwa
Just fyi that some of these are cassandra questions…
In the playOrm data modeling, if I understood it correctly, every CF has
its own id, right?
No, each entity has a field annotated with @NoSqlId. That tells playOrm this
is the row key. Each INSTANCE of the entity is a row in cass
Hey guys,
I've begun to notice that read operations take a performance nose-dive
after a standard (full) repair of a fairly large column family: ~11 million
records. Interestingly, I've then noticed that read performance returns to
normal after a full scrub of the column family. Is it possible tha
There are settings in cassandra.yaml that will _gradually_ reduce the
available cache to zero if you are under constant memory pressure:
# Set to 1.0 to disable.
reduce_cache_sizes_at: *
reduce_cache_capacity_to: *
My experience is that the cache size will not return to the configured size
Oh, and if you really want to scale very easily, just use play framework
1.2.5 ;). We use that and since it is stateless, to scale up, you simple
add more servers. Also, it's like coding in php or ruby, etc. etc as far
as development speed(no server restarts) so it's a pretty nice framework.
We t
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Віталій Тимчишин wrote:
> See my comments inline
> 2012/9/25 Aaron Turner
>> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Віталій Тимчишин
>> wrote:
>> > Why so?
>> > What are pluses and minuses?
>> > As for me, I am looking for number of files in directory.
>> > 700G
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 1:23 PM, puneet loya wrote:
Eric Evans
Acunu | http://www.acunu.com | @acunu
This is cassandra 1.1.4
Describe shows DecimalType and I test setting comparator TO the DecimalType
and it fails (Realize I have never touched this column family until now except
for posting data which succeeded)
[default@unknown] use databus;
Authenticated to keyspace: databus
Hmmm, is rowkey validation asynchronous to the actually sending of the
data to cassandra?
I seem to be able to put an invalid type and GET that invalid data back
just fine even though my type was an int and the comparator was Decimal
BUT then in the logs I see a validation fail exception but I ne
> As per our understanding we expect that when we move token then that node
> will first sync up the data as per the new assigned token & only after that
> it will receive the requests for new range.
When you use nodetool move the node will receive write requests for the new
range. As well as
Hi there,
Is there a way to "embed"/package Cassandra with an other Java application
and maintain control over it? Is this done before? Are there any best
Why I want to do this? We want to offer as less as configuration as
possible to our customers, but only if it's possible without me
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Douglas Muth wrote:
> Even though keyspace "test1" had a replication_factor of 1 to start
> with, each of the above UPDATE KEYSPACE commands caused a new UUID to
> be generated for the schema, which I assume is normal and expected.
I believe the actual issue you
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Aaron Turner wrote:
>> Leveled compaction've tamed space for us. Note that you should set
>> sstable_size_in_mb to reasonably high value (it is 512 for us with ~700GB
>> per node) to prevent creating a lot of small files.
> 512MB per sstable? Wow, that's freaki
Check the logs on nodes 2 and 3 to see if the scrub started. The logs on 1
will be a good help with that.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer
On 24/09/2012, at 10:31 PM, Tamar Fraenkel wrote:
> Hi!
> I ran
Versions are capable of reading previous file formats, but can only create
files in the current format.
File formats are listed here
> Looking for a way to make this work.
I'd sugg
I wonder now if "get_range_slices" call will ever look for data in row
cache. I don't see it in the codebase. Only the "get" call will check row
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 12:11 AM, Charles Brophy wrote:
> There are settings in cassandra.yaml that will _gradually_ reduce the
> available cach
The are thrift connection threads.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer
On 25/09/2012, at 1:32 AM, rohit bhatia wrote:
> Hi
> What are "pool-2-thread-*" threads. Someone mentioned "Client
> Connection Threads".
> Does that mean
Can you provide some information on the queries and the size of the data they
traversed ?
The default maximum size for a single thrift message is 16MB, was it larger
than that ?
Aaron Morton
> Which one will be faster to insert?
In general Composite types have the same performance; the extra work is
(Assuming you don't create a type with 100 components.)
> And which one will be faster to read by incremental id?
If you have to specify the full key to get a row by ro
Nothing jumps out. Are you able to reproduce the fault on a test node ?
There were some schema change problems in the early 1.1X releases. Did you
enable compression via a schema change ?
Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer
On 25
The DEFAULT_CACHING_STRATEGY is Caching.KEYS_ONLY but even configuring row
cache size to be greater zero
won't enable row cache. Why?
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Manu Zhang wrote:
> I wonder now if "get_range_slices" call will ever look for data in row
> cache. I don't see it in the codeba
Hi All,
I have a 4 node cluster setup in 2 zones with NetworkTopology strategy and
strategy options for writing a copy to each zone, so the effective load on
each machine is 50%.
I have a column family that has gc grace seconds of 10 days (the default).
On 17th there was an insert done t
By any chance is a TTL (time to live ) set on the columns...
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 19:56:19 -0700
Subject: 1.1.5 Missing Insert! Strange Problem
From: gouda...@gmail.com
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Hi All,
I have a 4 node cluster setup in 2 zones with NetworkTopology strategy and
strategy op
35 matches
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