Re: Composite columns: CLI or CQL?

2012-06-11 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
More details would help, like at least the query you're using to do the insertion and that fails, as well as the exact error message. -- Sylvain On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:42 AM, Georg Köster wrote: > Dear all, > > I'm really excited about Cassandra's peer-to-peer architecture and sorted > values

Why cassandra nodes ownership is 0.00%

2012-06-11 Thread Prakrati Agrawal
Dear all I have a Cassandra cluster with 2 nodes. I am using NetworkTopologyStrategy. I was trying to increase the replication factor of keyspace in Cassandra to 2. I did the following steps: UPDATE KEYSPACE demo WITH strategy_options = {DC1:2,DC2:2}; on both the nodes Then I ran the nodetool rep

Re: Composite columns: CLI or CQL?

2012-06-11 Thread Georg Köster
I used Pelops and now I tried Astyanax and I get no details on the value that cassandra is analyzing - only the composite key is in the error message. If I insert a String instead of the Long (Long.toString(...) and Long.valueOf()) my tests work but my column size is larger of course. I can use it

Re: Commit log durability per column family

2012-06-11 Thread aaron morton
It's not possible and it's not possible to make the change. A write to the same key in multiple CF's is written as a single log record. So it's not possible for difference CF's to use different strategies. The closest thing is the durable_writes KS property which turns off the commit log for

Re: Effective ownership on both nodes 0 %

2012-06-11 Thread aaron morton
> Also when I run the command > ./nodetool –h ip_address ring > I found that both nodes ownership is 0 %. Please tell me how should I fix > that. It would be a lot easier to answer you question if you showed the output from nodetool ring. > UPDATE KEYSPACE demo WITH strategy_options = {DC1:2,DC

RE: how to configure cassandra as multi tenant

2012-06-11 Thread MOHD ARSHAD SALEEM
Hi Aaron, Can you send me some particular link related to multi tenant research Regards Arshad From: aaron morton [] Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 3:34 PM To: Subject: Re: how to configure cassandra as multi tenant

Re: how to configure cassandra as multi tenant

2012-06-11 Thread Sasha Dolgy
Google, man.

RE: how to configure cassandra as multi tenant

2012-06-11 Thread MOHD ARSHAD SALEEM
Hi Sasha, Thanks for your reply. but what you send this is just to create keyspace manually using command to create keyspace(Multi tenant) automatically using cassandra API's. Regards Arshad From: Sasha Dolgy [] Sent: Monday, June 11,

Re: Dead node still being pinged

2012-06-11 Thread Samuel CARRIERE
Well, I don't see anything special in the logs. "Remove token" seems to have done its job : accorging to the logs, old stored hints have been deleted. If I were you, I would connect (through JMX, with jconsole) to one of the nodes that is sending messages to an old node, and would have a look a

Hector code not running when replication factor set to 2

2012-06-11 Thread Prakrati Agrawal
Dear all I had a 2 node cluster with replication factor set to 1. Then I changed the replication factor to 2 and brought down one node so that only 1 node was up and running. Then I ran my Hector code on the running node. But it gave me Unavailable Exception. I also had a Thrift code which ran

Re: how to configure cassandra as multi tenant

2012-06-11 Thread Sasha Dolgy
Arshad, I used google with the following query: apache cassandra multitenant Suggest you do the same? As was mentioned earlier, there has been a lot of discussion about this topic for the past year -- especially on this mailing list. If you want to use Thrift or, to make your life easier, usin

RE: how to configure cassandra as multi tenant

2012-06-11 Thread MOHD ARSHAD SALEEM
Hi Sasha, one more thing by using API's how to create keyspace and column family dynamically. write now i have to create first through the command prompt then that keyspace and column family used in API's. Regards Arshad From: Sasha Dolgy [] Sent

RE: Setting column to null

2012-06-11 Thread Leonid Ilyevsky
Thanks, I understand what you are telling me. Obviously deleting the column is the proper way to do this in Cassandra. What I was looking for, is some convenient wrapper on top of that which will do it for me. Here is my scenario. I have a function that takes a record to be saved in Cassandra (a

Re: Dead node still being pinged

2012-06-11 Thread Nicolas Lalevée
Le 11 juin 2012 à 12:12, Samuel CARRIERE a écrit : > > Well, I don't see anything special in the logs. "Remove token" seems to have > done its job : accorging to the logs, old stored hints have been deleted. > > If I were you, I would connect (through JMX, with jconsole) to one of the > node

Re: [RELEASE] Apache Cassandra 1.1.1 released

2012-06-11 Thread Omid Aladini
I think the change log for 1.1.1 is missing CASSANDRA-4150 [1]. -- Omid [1] On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:52 PM, Sylvain Lebresne wrote: > The Cassandra team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra > version 1.1.1. > > Cassandra is

Re: Dead node still being pinged

2012-06-11 Thread Nicolas Lalevée
finally, thanks to the groovy jmx builder, it was not that hard. Le 11 juin 2012 à 12:12, Samuel CARRIERE a écrit : > If I were you, I would connect (through JMX, with jconsole) to one of the > nodes that is sending messages to an old node, and would have a look at these > MBean : >- org.

Possible bug in Cassandra 1.1.1 with NTS

2012-06-11 Thread Carlo Pires
Just installed cassandra 1.1.1 and run: root@carlo-laptop:/tmp# cassandra-cli -h localhost Connected to: "Test Cluster" on localhost/9160 Welcome to Cassandra CLI version 1.1.1 Type 'help;' or '?' for help. Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit. [default@unknown] create keyspace accounts ... with

Re: Possible bug in Cassandra 1.1.1 with NTS

2012-06-11 Thread Nick Bailey
The property file snitch isn't used by default. Did you change your cassandra.yaml to use PropertyFileSnitch so it reads Also the formatting in your dc property file isn't right. It should be '=:'. So: On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 1:49 PM,

Re: Possible bug in Cassandra 1.1.1 with NTS

2012-06-11 Thread Carlo Pires
I forgot to change cassandra.yaml to use PropertyFileSnitch AND cassandra-topology syntax was incorrect. Thanks, Nick. I don't know why I got no error in 1.0.8 with PropertyFileSnitch in cassandra.yaml and wrong syntax in PS: I had to change JVM_OPTS in /etc/cassand

Re: Possible bug in Cassandra 1.1.1 with NTS

2012-06-11 Thread Nick Bailey
> I don't know why I got no error in 1.0.8 with PropertyFileSnitch in > cassandra.yaml and wrong syntax in > Not sure either. > PS: I had to change JVM_OPTS in /etc/cassandra/ to use 160k > instead 128k. This has not been fixed? Still marked as unre

Re: Offset in slicequeries for pagination

2012-06-11 Thread R. Verlangen
I solved this with creating a manual index with as column keys integers and column values the uuid's of the results. Then run a slicequery to determine the batch to fetch. 2012/6/11 Cyril Auburtin > using 10 results maximum per page, > > to go directly to 14th page, there is no offset=141 possi

Re: Offset in slicequeries for pagination

2012-06-11 Thread Cyril Auburtin
If my columns are ("k1:k2" => data1), ("k11:k32" => data211), ("k10:k211" => data91) U mean transforming to ("1:k1:k2" => data1), ("2:k11:k32" => data211) but I need the previous columns names to slice query on them 2012/6/11 R. Verlangen > I solved this with creating a manual index with as co

Much more native memory used by Cassandra then the configured JVM heap size

2012-06-11 Thread Jason Tang
Hi We have some problem with Cassandra memory usage, we configure the JVM HEAP 6G, but after runing Cassandra for several hours (insert, update, delete). The total memory used by Cassandra go up to 15G, which cause the OS low memory. So I wonder if it is normal to have so many memory used by cass

Re: Much more native memory used by Cassandra then the configured JVM heap size

2012-06-11 Thread Jeffrey Kesselman
What is your Native heap size? And how are you measuring memory usage? It woudl also hep to see the commandlien you are using to launch the JVM On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Jason Tang wrote: > Hi > > We have some problem with Cassandra memory usage, we configure the JVM > HEAP 6G, but after

Re: Much more native memory used by Cassandra then the configured JVM heap size

2012-06-11 Thread Jeffrey Kesselman
Btw. I suggest you spin up JConsole as it will give you much more detai kon what your VM is actually doing. On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Jason Tang wrote: > Hi > > We have some problem with Cassandra memory usage, we configure the JVM > HEAP 6G, but after runing Cassandra for several hour

Re: Much more native memory used by Cassandra then the configured JVM heap size

2012-06-11 Thread Jason Tang
See my post, I limit the HVM heap 6G, but actually Cassandra will use more memory which is not calculated in JVM heap. I use top to monitor total memory used by Cassandra. = -Xms6G -Xmx6G -Xmn1600M 2012/6/12 Jeffrey Kesselman > Btw. I suggest you spin up JConsole a

Re: Offset in slicequeries for pagination

2012-06-11 Thread Rajat Mathur
Hi Cyril, This may help. On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 3:18 AM, Cyril Auburtin wrote: > If my columns are ("k1:k2" => data1), ("k11:k32" => data211), ("k10:k211" > => data91) > > U mean transforming to ("

Re: batch isolation

2012-06-11 Thread aaron morton
Row level deletion information is included in the row level isolation. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 5/06/2012, at 6:05 AM, Todd Burruss wrote: > I don't think I'm being clear. I just was wondering if a "row delete" is

Re: how to configure cassandra as multi tenant

2012-06-11 Thread aaron morton
Check the documentation for you client or Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 11/06/2012, at 11:25 PM, MOHD ARSHAD SALEEM wrote: > Hi Sasha, > > one more thing by using API's how

Re: Setting column to null

2012-06-11 Thread Roshni Rajagopal
Leonid, Are you using some client for doing these operations..? Hector is a java client which provides APIs for adding/deleting columns to a column family in cassandra. I don¹t think you really need to write your wrapper in this format- you are restricting the number of columns it can use etc.I

Re: Much more native memory used by Cassandra then the configured JVM heap size

2012-06-11 Thread Jason Tang
Hi I found some information of this issue And seems we can have other strategy for data access to reduce mmap usage, in order to use less memory. But I didn't find the document to describe the parameters for Cassandra 1.x, is it a good way to use this parameter to reduce shared memory usage and w


2012-06-11 Thread James Pirz
Dear all, I am trying to query the system, specifically performing a GET for a specific key, through Jmeter (or CURL) and I am wondering what is the best pure RESTful API for the system (with the lowest overhead) that I can use. Thanks, James

Re: RESTful API for GET

2012-06-11 Thread Tamar Fraenkel
Hi! I am using java and jersey. Works fine, *Tamar Fraenkel * Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media [image: Inline image 1] Tel: +972 2 6409736 Mob: +972 54 8356490 Fax: +972 2 5612956 On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 9:06 AM, James Pirz wrote: > Dear all, > > I am trying to

Re: RESTful API for GET

2012-06-11 Thread James Pirz
Hi, Thanks for the reply, But can you tell me how do you form your request URLs, I mean does Cassandra support a native RESTful api for talking to the system, and if yes, on which specific port it is listening for the coming requests ? and what does it expect for the format for the URLs ? Thanks

Re: RESTful API for GET

2012-06-11 Thread Tom
Hi James, No, Cassandra doesn't supports a RESTful api. As Tamar points out, you have to supply this functionality yourself specifically for your data model. When designing your RESTful server application: - consider using a RESTful framework (for example: Jersey) - use a cassandra client to

Re: RESTful API for GET

2012-06-11 Thread Sasha Dolgy Brian O'Neill posted this a while ago ... sits on top of Cassandra to give you the RESTful API you want Another option ... Or, you could simply build your own ... On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Tom wrote: > Hi James, > >