Re: Cassandra search performance

2012-05-07 Thread David Jeske
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Maxim Potekhin wrote: > Looking at your example,as I think you understand, you forgo indexes by > combining two conditions in one query, thinking along the lines of what is > often done in RDBMS. A scan is expected in this case, and there is no > magic to avoid it

Re: SSTableWriter and Bulk Loading life cycle enhancement

2012-05-07 Thread aaron morton
Can you copy the sstables as a task after the load operation ? You should know where the files are. The are multiple files may be created by the writer during the loading process. So running code that performs a long running action will impact on the time taken to pump data through the SSTable

Re: count after truncate NOT zero

2012-05-07 Thread aaron morton
I don't know the YCSB code, but one theory would be… 1) The cluster is overloaded by the test. 2) A write at CL ALL fails because a node does not respond in time. 3) The coordinator stores the hint and returns failure to the client. 4) The client gets an UnavailableException and retries the ope

Re: Bulk loading and timestamps

2012-05-07 Thread aaron morton
Yes. See the example here Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 4/05/2012, at 2:49 AM, Oleg Proudnikov wrote: > Hello, group > > Will the bulk loader preserve original column timestam

Re: count after truncate NOT zero

2012-05-07 Thread Peter Dijkshoorn
Check, I understand. Thanks! The cluster certainly was overloaded and I did not realize that truncate does not tombstone or have a timestamp. Some 'feature' for future implementation, maybe? It seems odd if you expect the same behaviour of "delete from usertable" (in SQL, not yet in CQL, I presume

sstableloader 1.1 won't stream

2012-05-07 Thread Pieter Callewaert
Hi, I'm trying to upgrade our bulk load process in our testing env. We use the SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter to write tables, and use sstableloader to stream it into our cluster. I've changed the writer program to fit to the 1.1 api, but now I'm having troubles to load them to our cluster. The clu

Re: getting status of long running repair

2012-05-07 Thread Bill Au
I restarted the nodes and then restarted the repair. It is still hanging like before. Do I keep repeating until the repair actually finish? Bill On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Rob Coli wrote: > On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Bill Au wrote: > > I know repair may take a long time to run. I

cassandra1.1 can't start

2012-05-07 Thread cyril auburtin
The xassandra lauch command worked the first time then now I keep getting INFO 18:18:39,354 Starting up server gossip ERROR 18:18:39,357 Exception in thread Thread[COMMIT-LOG-ALLOCATOR,5,main] Map failed at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegment.(

Re: cassandra1.1 can't start

2012-05-07 Thread cyril auburtin
well I uncommented lines96&97 in, with lower values MAX_HEAP_SIZE="500M" HEAP_NEWSIZE="100M" seems to fix, it 2012/5/7 cyril auburtin > The xassandra lauch command worked the first time > > then now I keep getting > > INFO 18:18:39,354 Starting up server gossip > ERROR 18:18:3

Re: sstableloader 1.1 won't stream

2012-05-07 Thread Benoit Perroud
You may want to upgrade all your nodes to 1.1. The streaming process connect to every living nodes of the cluster (you can explicitely diable some nodes), so all nodes need to speak 1.1. 2012/5/7 Pieter Callewaert : > Hi, > > > > I’m trying to upgrade our bulk load process in our testing env. >

Error deleting column families with 1.1

2012-05-07 Thread André Cruz
Hello. Since I upgraded to Cassandra 1.1, I get the following error when trying to delete a CF. After this happens the CF is not accessible anymore, but I cannot create another one with the same name until I restart the server. INFO [MigrationStage:1] 2012-05-07 18:10:12,682 ColumnFamilyS

using the proxy on the cli or configHelper to connect to cassandra server

2012-05-07 Thread Shawna Qian
Hello: In our cassandra settings, we need to specify the proxy to access the cassandra: if using the java code, it will be like this: Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress("", 1080)); Socket socket = new Socket (proxy); socket.connect(new InetSocketAd

[ANN] Mojo's Cassandra Maven Plugin 1.1.0-1 released

2012-05-07 Thread Stephen Connolly
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of Mojo's Cassandra Maven Plugin version 1.1.0-1. Mojo's Cassandra Plugin is used when you want to install and control a test instance of Apache Cassandra from within your Apache Maven build. The Cassandra Plugin has the following goals. * cassan

CQL 3.0 composite keys and secondary indexes

2012-05-07 Thread Roland Mechler
It seems as though secondary indexes are not supported in tables (column families) that have composite keys. Is that true? If so, are there plans to suport that combination in the future? -Roland

Re: Cassandra search performance

2012-05-07 Thread Maxim Potekhin
Thanks for the comments, much appreciated. Maxim On 5/7/2012 3:22 AM, David Jeske wrote: On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Maxim Potekhin > wrote: Looking at your example,as I think you understand, you forgo indexes by combining two conditions in one query,

Re: getting status of long running repair

2012-05-07 Thread Ben Coverston
Check the log files for warnings or errors. They may indicate why your repair failed. On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Bill Au wrote: > I restarted the nodes and then restarted the repair. It is still hanging > like before. Do I keep repeating until the repair actually finish? > > Bill > > > O

Re: cassandra1.1 can't start

2012-05-07 Thread Watanabe Maki
How much memory do you have on the box? It seems you need more memory. maki On 2012/05/08, at 1:29, cyril auburtin wrote: > well I uncommented lines96&97 in, with lower values > > MAX_HEAP_SIZE="500M" > HEAP_NEWSIZE="100M" > > seems to fix, it > > 2012/5/7 cyril auburtin >

Re: CQL 3.0 composite keys and secondary indexes

2012-05-07 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 12:08 AM, Roland Mechler wrote: > It seems as though secondary indexes are not supported in tables (column > families) that have composite keys. Is that true? It is. > If so, are there plans to suport that combination in the future? There is:

Re: cassandra1.1 can't start

2012-05-07 Thread cyril auburtin
8G, by default the jvm was taking 2G, and I had this error even with 1G, I had the error, finally 500M made it work (4 Intel Atoms, OS: ubuntu 10.04 ) 2012/5/8 Watanabe Maki > How much memory do you have on the box? > It seems you need more memory. > > maki > > > On 2012/05/08, at 1:29, cyril a