Re: Resident size growth

2012-04-08 Thread ruslan usifov
mmap sstables? It's normal 2012/4/5 Omid Aladini > Hi, > > I'm experiencing a steady growth in resident size of JVM running > Cassandra 1.0.7. I disabled JNA and off-heap row cache, tested with > and without mlockall disabling paging, and upgraded to JRE 1.6.0_31 to > prevent this bug [1] to lea

Re: Request timeout and host marked down

2012-04-08 Thread aaron morton
You need to see if the timeout is from the client to the server, or between the server nodes. If it's server side a TimedOutException will be thrown from thrift. Take a look at the nodetool tpstats on the servers, you will probably see lots of "Pending" tasks. Basically the cluster is overload

Re: Materialized Views or Index CF - data model question

2012-04-08 Thread aaron morton
> We need to query data by each column, do pagination as below, > > select * from book where isbn < "XYZ" order by ISBN descending limit 30; > select * from book where price < 992 order by price descending limit 30; > select * from book where col_n1 < 789 order by col_n1 descending limit