If the rows are updated by random keys, then most of the SSTables will have
key ranges, right? Then for each read, Cassandra will go through all the
SSTables (or
one SSTable in each level for the leveled compaction strategy)? How to deal
with this
Author o
Then for each read, Cassandra will go through all the SSTables (or
one SSTable in each level for the leveled compaction strategy)? How to deal
with this
bloom filters can guess right sstables to be read with high probability
< 0.1%. In reality even if you are using size based compacti
> bloom filters can guess right sstables to be read with high
> probability < 0.1%. In reality even if you are using size based
> compaction and have about 300 sstables, reading is fast unless
> there is row fragmentation and you are reading entire row.
Right, that's it. Thanks!
sweet, that's pretty awesome :)
On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 8:08 PM, Jeremy Hanna wrote:
> This might be helpful:
> http://techblog.netflix.com/2011/11/benchmarking-cassandra-scalability-on.html
> On Dec 30, 2011, at 1:59 PM, Dom Wong wrote:
> > Hi, could anyone tell me whether this is possible w
Hello All,
I have requirement to copy data from cassandra to hadoop from/to a specific
key. This is supported in 1.0.0. But I am using cassandra version 0.7.1
and hadoop version 20.2.
In my mapreduce job(InputFormat class) i have an object of TokenRange. I
need to filter certain ranges based on