Re: Can't connect to MX4J endpoint on Ubuntu

2011-09-24 Thread Sorin Julean
Hey, Do a: grep -i mx4 system.log | less and look for: (line 67) mx4j successfuly loaded Also make sure you have the latest mx4j-tool from: Kind regards, Sorin On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Iwona Bialynick

Re: Efficient way of figuring out which nodes a set of keys belong to - Hadoop integration

2011-09-24 Thread Tharindu Mathew
Would really appreciate any help on this. On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Tharindu Mathew wrote: > Hi, > > I managed to modify the Hadoop-Cassandra integration to start with a column > of a CF used for indexing. In the map phase, I get keys from different CFs > and get the row I need. So this a

Re: Increasing thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb

2011-09-24 Thread Radim Kolar
Dne 24.9.2011 0:05, Jonathan Ellis napsal(a): Really large messages are not encouraged because they will fragment your heap quickly. Other than that, no. what is recommended chunk size for storing multi gigabyte files in cassandra? 64MB is okay or its too large?

Re: Can not connect to cassandra 0.7 using CLI

2011-09-24 Thread Julio Julio
Eric Evans> writes: > > On Thu, 2010-12-02 at 08:11 +1100, Joshua Partogi wrote: > > It is set to localhost I didn't change it and it is the same as > > configured > > in 0.6.8. Why doesn't it work out of the box? > > > > Thanks heaps. > > Try "netstat -nl | grep 9160". Is the

Could not reach schema agreement when adding a new node.

2011-09-24 Thread Dikang Gu
I found this in the system.log when adding a new node to the cluster. Anyone familiar with this? ERROR [HintedHandoff:2] 2011-09-24 18:01:30,498 (line 113) Fatal exception in thread Thread[HintedHandoff:2,1,main] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException:

Re: Tool to access Data in Cassandra

2011-09-24 Thread Andrey V. Panov
I did propotyping very small Cassandra data browser on top of Wicket and Hector. Try it :) On 23 September 2011 08:41, mcasandra wrote: > Are there any tools that let you scroll over data in Cassandra in html or > UI? > > We are planning to encrypt data before storing in cass

frequent node UP/Down?

2011-09-24 Thread Yang
I'm using 1.0.0 there seems to be too many node Up/Dead events detected by the failure detector. I'm using a 2 node cluster on EC2, in the same region, same security group, so I assume the message drop rate should be fairly low. but in about every 5 minutes, I'm seeing some node detected as down

Hadoop settings if running into blacklisted task trackers with Cassandra

2011-09-24 Thread Jeremy Hanna
I thought I would share something valuable that Jacob Perkins (who recently started with us) shared. We were seeing blacklisted task trackers and occasionally failed jobs. These were almost always based on TimedOutExceptions from Cassandra. We've been fixing underlying reasons for those excep

Re: Moving to a new cluster

2011-09-24 Thread aaron morton
Thanks sylvain, will look into the new stuff. - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer @aaronmorton On 22/09/2011, at 9:09 PM, Sylvain Lebresne wrote: > 2011/9/22 Jonas Borgström : >> On 09/22/2011 01:25 AM, aaron morton wrote: >> *snip* >>> Wh

Re: Moving to a new cluster

2011-09-24 Thread aaron morton
No, Run it on one node at a time. Looks like I was a little off on my previous statement. Perhaps it would have been better to say if you have more than RF nodes run it on every RF'th node at the same time. But make sure you run it on all nodes eventually. Aaron - Aaron Mort

Re: Moving to a new cluster

2011-09-24 Thread aaron morton
It can result in a lot of data on the node you run repair on. Where a lot means perhaps 2 or more times more data. My unscientific approach is to repair one CF at a time so you can watch the disk usage and repair the smaller CF's first. After the repair compact if you need to. I think the a

Re: progress of sstableloader keeps 0?

2011-09-24 Thread aaron morton
Looks like it is complaining that you are trying to load a 0.7 SSTable in 0.8. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer @aaronmorton On 23/09/2011, at 5:23 PM, Yan Chunlu wrote: > sorry I did not look into it after check it I found

Re: Possibility of going OOM using get_count

2011-09-24 Thread aaron morton
The changes in get_count() are designed to stop counts for very large rows running out of memory as they try to hold millions of columns in memory. So if you ask to count all the cols in a row with 1M cols, it will (by default) read the first 1024 columns, and then the next 1024 using the last

Re: progress of sstableloader keeps 0?

2011-09-24 Thread Yan Chunlu
yes, I did. thought 0.8 is downward compatible. is there other ways to load 0.7's data into 0.8? will copy the data dir directly will work? I would like to put load of three nodes into one node. thanks! On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 11:52 AM, aaron morton wrote: > Looks like it is complaining tha

Re: Moving to a new cluster

2011-09-24 Thread Yan Chunlu
thanks! is that similar problem described in this thread? On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 11:33 AM, aaron morton wrote: > It can result in a lot of data on the node you run repa

CMS GC initial-mark taking 6 seconds , bad?

2011-09-24 Thread Yang
I see the following in my GC log 1910.513: [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 2598619K(26214400K)] 13749939K(49807360K), 6.0696680 secs] [Times: user=6.10 sys=0.00, real=6.07 secs] so there is a stop-the-world period of 6 seconds. does this sound bad ? or 6 seconds is OK and we should expect the built-in

messages stopped for 3 minutes?

2011-09-24 Thread Yang
I constantly see TimedOutException , then followed by UnavailableException in my logs, so I added some extra debugging to Gossiper. notifyFailureDetector() void notifyFailureDetector(InetAddress endpoint, EndpointState remoteEndpointState) { IFailureDetector fd = FailureDetector.

Seed nodes in cassandra.yaml can not be hostnames

2011-09-24 Thread Radim Kolar
I just discovered that using host names for seed nodes in cassandra.yaml do not work. This is done on purpose?

Re: adding node without bootstrap

2011-09-24 Thread Radim Kolar
If you join a node with auto_bootstrap=false you had better be working at quorum or higher to avoid stale/not found reads. You should then repair the node right away to get all the missing data back on the node. This is not suggested. It is best to leave auto_boostrap=true and let Cassandra h