Assuming you have replicate_on_write enabled (which you almost
certainly do for counters), you have to do a read on a write for each
increment. This means counter increments, even if all your data set
fits in cache, are significantly slower than normal column inserts. I
would say ~1k increments p
On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 08:54 +0200, Patrik Modesto wrote:
> But there is the another problem with Hadoop-Cassandra, if there is no
> node available for a range of keys, it fails on RuntimeError. For
> example having a keyspace with RF=1 and a node is down all MapReduce
> tasks fail.
I'm considering using Cassandra as backend for implementing a
distributed event queue, probably via an established framework such as
ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Spring Integration etc.
I need a solution which can handle both high throughput, short-lived
events such as an outgoing email box, as well a
Hi All
I have indexed a number of columns in a ROW, ie 25 colums, to perform
Indexed_slice queries.
If I am not mistaken, there is some limit to the number of indexes one
may create per row/keyspace?
I am trying to get up to 6000 columns indexed, per row, in 2.5 million rows.
So I will be
HAHA finger trouble on bellow line ---
So I will be looking at 6000 x 2.5million indexes. Yep, that's 6,250,000
The sum actually is meant to be: 15,000,000 - so thats 15 million
indexes - sho!*
Apologies :)
Original Message
Subject:Column index lim
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Eric Czech wrote:
> I'm running cassandra 0.7.5 on about 20 RHEL 5 (24 GB RAM) machines and I'm
> having issues with snapshots, json sstable conversions, and various nodetool
> commands due to memory errors and the lack of the native access C libraries.
> I tried
I got it here :
Is there some other version or distribution of jna that I should be using?
The version I have is 3.3.0.
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 8:49 AM, Eric Evans wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Eric Czech
> wrote:
> > I'm runnin
Have you installed 'jna'? On RHEL (6 at least) it should be possible using
the default yum repos. You need the native code and the JAR in Cassandras
classpath from what I understand.
From: [] On Behalf Of Eric Czech
Sent: September-01-11 11:13
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Eric Czech wrote:
> I got it here :
> Is there some other version or distribution of jna that I should be using?
> The version I have is 3.3.0.
As Dan mentions in another email, if you can install it from an RP
Sounds like,
fixed for 0.8.5
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Jian Fang
> Hi,
> I upgraded Cassandra from 0.8.2 to 0.8.4 and run a hadoop job to read data
> from Cassandra, but
> got the following errors:
> 11/09/01 11:42:46 INFO had
Thanks. How soon 0.8.5 will be out? Is there any 0.8.5 snapshot version
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> Sounds like,
> fixed for 0.8.5
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Jian Fang
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
Does this scale with multiples of the replication factor or directly
with number of nodes? Or more succinctly, to double the writes per
second into the cluster how many more nodes would I need? (Thanks for
the note on pycassa, I've checked and it's not the limiting factor)
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011
Thanks Evneniy,
We encountered this exception with the following settings:
Caused by: InvalidRequestException(why:consistency level LOCAL_QUORUM not
compatible with replication strategy (org.apache.cassandra.locator
I'm probably being blind .. but I can't see any way to dump the schema
definition (and the data in it for that matter) of a cluster in order to
capture the current schema in a script file for subsequent replaying in to a
different environment.
For example, say I have a DEV env and wanted to
yes, cli "show schema" in 0.8.4+
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 12:52 PM, J T wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm probably being blind .. but I can't see any way to dump the schema
> definition (and the data in it for that matter) of a cluster in order to
> capture the current schema in a script file for subsequent re
Sorry about unclear naming scheme. I meant that if I want to index on a
few columns simultaneously,
I create a new column with catenated values of these.
On 8/31/2011 3:10 PM, Anthony Ikeda wrote:
Sorry to fork this topic, but in "composite indexes" do you mean as
strings or as "Composite()". I
I'm curious... digging through the source, it looks like replicate on write
triggers a read of the entire row, and not just the columns/supercolumns that
are affected by the counter update. Is this the case? It would certainly
explain why my inserts/sec decay over time and why the average inse
Are you running on windows? If the default timestamp is just using
time.time()*1e6 you will get the same timestamp twice if the code is
close together. time.time() on windows is only millisecond resolution.
I don't use pycassa, but in the Thrift api wrapper I created for our
python code I im
when Cassandra reads, the entire CF is always read together, only at the
hand-over to client does the pruning happens
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 11:52 AM, David Hawthorne wrote:
> I'm curious... digging through the source, it looks like replicate on write
> triggers a read of the entire row, and not
I'm not sure I understand the scalability of this approach. A given
column family can be HUGE with millions of rows and columns. In my
cluster I have a single column family that accounts for 90GB of load
on each node. Not only that but column family is distributed over the
entire ring.
Clearly I'm
Yeah, I believe that Yan has a type in his post. A CF is no read in one go, a
row is. As for the scalability of having all the columns being read at once, I
do not believe that it was ever meant to be. All the columns in a row are
stored together, on the same set of machines. This means that if
sorry i mean cf * row
if you look in the code, is just basically a set of columns
On Sep 1, 2011 1:36 PM, "Ian Danforth" wrote:
> I'm not sure I understand the scalability of this approach. A given
> column family can be HUGE with millions of rows and columns. In my
> cluster I have a sin
I'm trying to import data from one Cassandra cluster to another. The old
cluster is using ports 7000 and 9160 and the new cluster is using 7001 and
9161. I ran "nodetool -h localhost snapshot" on a node on the old cluster.
I then downloaded apache-cassandra-0.8.4-bin.tar.gz, edited
Sounds like,
fixed for 0.8.5
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Christopher Bottaro
> Hello,
> I'm trying to import data from one Cassandra cluster to another. The old
> cluster is using ports 7000 and 9160 and the new cluster is using 700
Yes, I see files with name like
However, all of those file have a size of 0.
Starting from Monday to Thurseday we have 5642 files for -Data.db, -Filter.db
and Statistics.db and only 128 -Compacted files.
and all of -Compacted file has size of 0.
Is this normal, or we
Well, on windows Vista and below (haven't checked on 7),
System.currentTimeMillis only has around 10ms granularity. That is for any
10ms period, you get the same value. I develop on Windows and I'd get
sporadic integration test failures due to this.
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Jeremiah Jordan
I need help interpreting the results of my investigation. I'm
encountering this error: "Unable to reduce heap usage since there are
no dirty column families". My heap sits near max and occasionally
OOMs. (4GB heap)
Following Mr. Ellis's instructions here:
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Ian Danforth wrote:
> 1. What operation is C* performing during lines like these:
> INFO 22:38:34,710 Opening /cassandra/data/Keyspace1/TwitterTest-g-5643
> (I think this is an SSTable it's extracting an index for this column
> family from)
> 2. Has my
Awesome, thanks for the quick response!
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Ian Danforth wrote:
>> 1. What operation is C* performing during lines like these:
>> INFO 22:38:34,710 Opening /cassandra/data/Keyspace1/TwitterTest-g-5643
My Column name is of Composite(TimeUUIDType, UTF8Type) and I can query
across the TimeUUIDs correctly, but now I want to also range across the UTF8
component. Is this possible?
UUID start = uuidForDate(new Date(1979, 1, 1));
UUID end = uuidForDate(new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
String startState = "
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 12:36, Mck wrote:
>> It's available here: (for version 0.7.8)
> I'm interested in this patch and see it's usefulness but no one will act
> until you attach it to an issue. (I think a new issue is appropriate
> here).
I'm glad someone is i
On Fri, 2011-09-02 at 08:20 +0200, Patrik Modesto wrote:
> As Jonathan
> already explained himself: "ignoring unavailable ranges is a
> misfeature, imo"
Generally it's not what one would want i think.
But I can see the case when data is to be treated volatile and ignoring
unavailable ranges may b
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