Re: Peculiar imbalance affecting 2 machines in a 6 node cluster

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
WRT the load imbalance checking the basics: you've run cleanup after any tokens moves? Repair is running ? Also sometimes nodes get a bit bloated from repair and will settle down with compaction. Your slightly odd tokens in the MTL DC are making it a little tricky to understand whats going on

Re: migrating from 0.6 to 0.8, " ... cannot extend file to required size"

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
I remember seeing this once before upgrading a system from 0.6 to 0.7 on a Ubuntu EC2 (non data stax build) with EBS disks. I did the same thing and just assumed it was an EBS or 0.6 bug. From memory after the upgrade that node had some serialisation issues with a few SSTables that I had to even

Re: How to solve this kind of schema disagreement...

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
I don't have time to look into the reasons for that error, but that does not sound good. It kind of sounds like there are multiple migration chains out there in the cluster. This could come from apply changes to different nodes at the same time. Is this a prod system ? If not I would shut it d

Re: AnitEntropy/MerkleTree Error

2011-08-10 Thread Sylvain Lebresne
Yeah, that is not supposed to happen. This could be related to if you are using something < 0.8.1 but I'm not sure. In any case, do you mind opening a JIRA ticket and to give the following informations: - Which version of Cassandra you are run

Re: Snapshot Memory Allocation Error

2011-08-10 Thread Tristan Seligmann
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 3:49 PM, earltbj wrote: > Any idea what could be causing this? See -- mithrandi, i Ainil en-Balandor, a faer Ambar

Re: Snapshot Memory Allocation Error

2011-08-10 Thread earltbj
Thank You... -- View this message in context: Sent from the mailing list archive at

Re: Peculiar imbalance affecting 2 machines in a 6 node cluster

2011-08-10 Thread Mina Naguib
Hi Aaron Thank you very much for the reply and the pointers to the previous list discussions. The second was was particularly telling. I'm happy to say that the problem is fixed, and it's so trivial it's quite embarrassing - but I'll state it here for the sake of the archives. There was an e

Re: SOLVED: Problem upgrading to 0.8.3 - "replication_factor is an option for SimpleStrategy, not NetworkTopologyStrategy"

2011-08-10 Thread Jonathan Ellis
Martin, Thanks for the report! (Did I miss an earlier email about this? Because SOLVED is the first I saw.) I've created and attached a patch to fix the problem. On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Martin Lansler wrote: > Hi, > > When I upgraded

Re: SOLVED: Problem upgrading to 0.8.3 - "replication_factor is an option for SimpleStrategy, not NetworkTopologyStrategy"

2011-08-10 Thread Martin Lansler
Hi Jonathan, You're welcome. No, you did not miss an earlier email... I just meant it was solved for me after an hours investigation... ;-) Good patch, always good not to break the upgrade path. Regards, -Martin On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote: > Martin, > > Thanks for th

Re: How to release a customised Cassandra from Eclipse?

2011-08-10 Thread Konstantin Naryshkin
When I build cassandra, I use: #ant #ant release It does produce a working cassandra.jar, though I am not sure if it will fulfill your needs since I make mine to create an RPM out of it. - Original Message - From: "Norman Maurer" To: Sent: Monday, August 8, 201

Re: AnitEntropy/MerkleTree Error

2011-08-10 Thread Hefeng Yuan
Thanks for your clue, Sylvain, I've created ticket here: Let me know if I need to provide more information. On Aug 10, 2011, at 3:32 AM, Sylvain Lebresne wrote: > Yeah, that is not supposed to happen. > This could be related to > https://iss

Replication and 0.8.3

2011-08-10 Thread Sebastien Coutu
Hi, I'm building a fresh 30 node cluster with Cassandra 0.8.3 on it and I'm trying to run MapReduce jobs to load some data in the Cassandra ring. After the job runs, I look at how much space I was supposed to load and how much space the Cassandra load reports and it somewhat looks like I don't hav


2011-08-10 Thread Peter Minearo
Peter Minearo Sr. Software Engineer Rearden Commerce 1051 E Hillsdale Blvd, Sixth Floor Foster City CA 94404 Office: 650 212 8469 Cell: 541 255 8296 YahooIM: pexer83 Bullfight critics ranked in rows Crowd the enormous Plaza full But only one is there who knows And he's the man who fights th


2011-08-10 Thread anucjs
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Re: How to release a customised Cassandra from Eclipse?

2011-08-10 Thread Alvin UW
Thanks It works 2011/8/10 Konstantin Naryshkin > When I build cassandra, I use: > #ant > #ant release > > It does produce a working cassandra.jar, though I am not sure if it will > fulfill your needs since I make mine to create an RPM out of it. > > - Original Message - > From: "Norman M

ColumnFamilyOutputFormat problem

2011-08-10 Thread Jian Fang
Hi, I am using Cassandra 0.8.2 with Hadoop 0.20.2. My application read a file and then write about 2.5 million records to Cassandra. I used ColumnFamilyOutputFormat to write to Cassandra. My Cassandra cluster has three nodes with one Hadoop task tracker on each node. The wired problem is that I on


2011-08-10 Thread Sébastien Kondov

Re: Peculiar imbalance affecting 2 machines in a 6 node cluster

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
Cool. - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer @aaronmorton On 11 Aug 2011, at 02:45, Mina Naguib wrote: > > Hi Aaron > > Thank you very much for the reply and the pointers to the previous list > discussions. The second was was particularly t


2011-08-10 Thread Jérémy SEVELLEC
Hi everyone, Let me present you CassandraUnit, a test framework to develop application with Cassandra backend in TDD Style. It allows to embed and load data from an XML DataSet into your Junit Test. CassandraUnit is build on top of Hector and is licensed as LGPL V3.0 on github. Here is the post

Re: Replication and 0.8.3

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
nodetool repair will make sure the data is replaced RF times. Run it every RF nodes around the ring You can also use nodetool cfstats, it will give you some info on the local data for a node. For example...

Re: unsubscribe

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer @aaronmorton On 11 Aug 2011, at 08:30, Sébastien Kondov wrote: > unsubscribe >

Re: ColumnFamilyOutputFormat problem

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
> Seems the data are not actually written to Cassandra. Before jumping into the Hadoop side of things are you saying there is no data in Cassandra ? Can you retrieve any using the CLI ? Take a look at cfstats on each node to see the estimated record count. Cheers - Aaron Mor

Re: IndexSliceQuery issue - ReadStage piling up (looks like deadlock/infinite loop or similar)

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
Are you still having a problem ? I'm a bit confused about what you saying. Cheers - Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer @aaronmorton On 10 Aug 2011, at 03:33, Roland Gude wrote: > Hi, > > I experience issues when doing a indexslicequery wit


2011-08-10 Thread Chad Johnson
Hi, I have a 15 node cluster with a RF=3 running version 0.7.5. I am planning to perform some filesystem maintenance on each of the nodes. The filesystem happens to be on the partition holding the keyspace data. The maintenance means that all the SSTables for our keyspace will be destroyed. Rat

Solandra/Cassandra ring issue

2011-08-10 Thread Ashley Martens
I just had a strange issue with a solandra ring. We had a two node test cluster running in one data center and then started up a second 5 node cluster in another data center. The seed in the first DC was in that DC and the seed in the second DC was in the second DC, so the two rings should not have

Re: Solandra/Cassandra ring issue

2011-08-10 Thread Nick Bailey
Did you perhaps start up the second cluster with data from the test cluster? If you accidentally copied the system tables over, cassandra would recognize the saved tokens/ips from the test cluster and attempt to gossip with them. On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Ashley Martens wrote: > I just had

Re: Solandra/Cassandra ring issue

2011-08-10 Thread Ashley Martens
Nope. Clean system. On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Nick Bailey wrote: > Did you perhaps start up the second cluster with data from the test > cluster? If you accidentally copied the system tables over, cassandra > would recognize the saved tokens/ips from the test cluster and attempt > to goss

Re: Solandra/Cassandra ring issue

2011-08-10 Thread Jake Luciani
There is nothing solandra specific that would cause this. There were no shared seeds? On Aug 10, 2011, at 6:24 PM, Ashley Martens wrote: > Nope. Clean system. > > On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Nick Bailey wrote: > Did you perhaps start up the second cluster with data from the test > clu

tpstats confusion

2011-08-10 Thread Ian Danforth
Hello all! Thanks for taking the time to read this, I'm new to Cassandra and really want to get it working :) Below you'll find the output from tpstats on the three nodes in my .8.1 cluster. As you'll note from ring (also below), my cluster appears balanced. However, please note that NODE1 is the


2011-08-10 Thread Viliam Holub
Hi, I tried to switch to Ec2Snith. Although it correctly found the region: INFO 23:18:00,643 EC2Snitch using region: eu-west, zone: 1a. it started to report NullPointerException every second: ERROR 00:23:40,268 Internal error processing get_slice java.lang.NullPointerException at org.

Tuning a column family for archival

2011-08-10 Thread Jason Baker
I have a column family that I'm using to archive records. They're mostly kept around for historical purposes. Aside from that, they're mostly considered deleted. It's probably going to be very rare that anyone reads from this table *ever*. I don't really even write to it that much. Does anyone

Re: Ec2Snitch

2011-08-10 Thread Brandon Williams
You probably have other nodes that are NOT using the snitch yet, so they haven't populated DC/RACK info yet. The exceptions will stop when all snitches have been changed. On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Viliam Holub wrote: > > Hi, > > I tried to switch to Ec2Snith. Although it correctly found t

Re: Bootstrapping

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
First, upgrade from 0.7.5 if possible. This is as good a reason as any Can you copy the SSTables off node and then just bring it back ? It will be *a lot* faster than use nodetool repair. (drain the node first to clear the

Re: Trying to find the problem with a broken pipe

2011-08-10 Thread Ikeda Anthony
Okay, it looks like we have found the problem. What had happened was that the infrastructure team had used the same image to prepare the different nodes. Unfortunately because there was an issue with the original image, the problem was migrated across to the other node thus breaking the communi

double and float in CQL

2011-08-10 Thread Matt Hollingsworth
Hi, I'm just getting started with CQL, and decided to do a simple test create/insert/select thing to check that everything was working. Most everything seems to work, but it appears that double/floats do not work properly. Here's what I did: test.cql -- CREATE KEYSPACE t

Re: ColumnFamilyOutputFormat problem

2011-08-10 Thread Jian Fang
There are data and each Cassandra cluster node holds about 100G. From the application point of view, if I run the job twice with the same input file, i.e., the sales rank update file, then I should see a much smaller number of products, whose rank change exceeds the threshold, in the output file fo

Re: double and float in CQL

2011-08-10 Thread Jonathan Ellis
Are you using the most recent version of cqlsh from svn, or an old one shipped with a 0.8 Cassandra release? On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Matt Hollingsworth wrote: > Hi, > I'm just getting started with CQL, and decided to do a simple test > create/insert/select thing to check that everything

Re: tpstats confusion

2011-08-10 Thread Jonathan Ellis
are you i/o bound? I believe counter ROW needs to perform a read of the old value. On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Ian Danforth wrote: > Hello all! > Thanks for taking the time to read this, I'm new to Cassandra and really > want to get it working :) > Below you'll find the output from tpstats

Re: double and float in CQL

2011-08-10 Thread Matt Hollingsworth
Neither actually, I installed the python cql driver with pip install cql and it came with it. Looks like it's version 1.0.4 pip search cql cql - Cassandra Query Language driver INSTALLED: 1.0.4 (latest) Too old? -Matt On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:11 PM, Jonathan Ellis

Re: double and float in CQL

2011-08-10 Thread Jonathan Ellis
I wasn't aware that we had the cql driver in the cheese shop :) It's probably of recent vintage, 1.04 is the "next" version. Can you create a ticket on and we'll have a look? On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Matt Hollingsworth wrote: > Neither ac

Re: double and float in CQL

2011-08-10 Thread Matt Hollingsworth
:) Sure, I'll create one, thanks for the help. -Matt On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:35 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote: > I wasn't aware that we had the cql driver in the cheese shop :) It's > probably of recent vintage, 1.04 is the "next" version. > > Can you create a ticket on > https://issues.apache.

Re: Tuning a column family for archival

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
There's not much to do other than turn off the caches (which you have done) and leave it alone. If you want to poke around perhaps look at the compaction settings (from CLI help): - max_compaction_threshold: The maximum number of SSTables allowed before a minor compaction is forced. Default is

Re: ColumnFamilyOutputFormat problem

2011-08-10 Thread aaron morton
I'm a simple guy. My first step would be see if the expected data is in the data base, if not what's missing. 2.5M updates / 3 nodes = 833,333 per node 833,333 / 53 seconds = 15,723 per second 1 / 15,723 = 0.6 seconds / 0.06 milliseconds per mutation sounds reasonable to me. check th

Re: migrating from 0.6 to 0.8, " ... cannot extend file to required size"

2011-08-10 Thread Ian Douglas
Ubuntu 11.04 On 8/9/2011 6:09 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote: What OS was this? On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:32 PM, ian douglas wrote: Thanks to 'driftx' in IRC, adding this line to my cassandra.yaml file seems to have fixed the problem: disk_access_mode: standard On 08/09/2011 04:06 PM, ian doug

Need help in CF design

2011-08-10 Thread abhi
I recently started with Cassandra and found interesting. I was curious in SQL we have SELECT * from TABLE where PK="primary_key" and other_attribute between 500 and 1000; My questions are : 1) Is it possible to design to get equivalent results for above query ( using CQL or Hector) with Cassan