So what you're saying is that no matter what consistency level I'm using,
the data will be written to all CF nodes right away, the consistency level
is just for making sure that all CF nodes are UP and all data is written.
In other words, if one of the nodes is down - the write (or read) will fail.
yes for 0.7
no for 0.8
A slight correction/clarification:
1) DeletedColumns always win. If there are two deletes the highest timestamp
> wins
DeletedColumns only take precedence over a normal value if they have a
greater *(or equal)* timestamp. *"DeletedColumns always win"* is only true
if you're talking about two col
Can any one pleaze send me any sample application which is (.war)
implemented in java/jsp and cassandra db (Tomcat)
I was running cassandra in my mac and after some time the machine got to
sleep mode. Now after the machine is On. I tried to kill the process of
cassandra. But i could not able to do that as i could not able to find out
the process id. theres no process there when i pinged PS command in ma
I don't know much about this, may help you..
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 3:36 PM, CASSANDRA learner <> wrote:
> Hiii,
> Can any one pleaze send me any sample application which is (.war)
> implemented in j
try to use *grep* command to check the port where your cassandra was
On 3 August 2011 16:01, CASSANDRA learner wrote:
> H,,
> I was running cassandra in my mac and after some time the machine got to
> sleep mode. Now after the machine is On. I tried to kill the process of
> ca
I suppose what you are looking for is an example of interacting with a
java app.
You should have a look at the high(er) level client hector
You should find what you are looking for there.
If you are looking for a tomcat (and .war) example, you should send an
Seems like you have already a Cassandra instance running, so the second
instance cannot open the same port twice.
I would suggest you to kill all instances of Cassandra and start it again.
2011/8/3 Nilabja Banerjee
> try to use *grep* command to check the port where your cassandra was
> runni
Thnks for the reply Nila
When i did PS command, I could not able to find any process related to
cassandra. Thts the problem..
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
> Seems like you have already a Cassandra instance running, so the second
> instance cannot open the same port
can you please send me the mailing list address of tomcat
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
> I suppose what you are looking for is an example of interacting with a
> java app.
> You should have a look at the high(er) level client hector
Thnks for the info
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:03 PM, samal wrote:
> I don't know much about this, may help you..
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 3:36 PM, CASSANDRA learner <
>> wrote:
>> Hiii,
I would be thankfull for any advice how to recover from the following
1.) When I Start Cassandra, then I get the following exception:
INFO 12:51:08,964 Heap size: 1573912576/1574961152
INFO 12:51:08,966 JNA not found. Native methods will be disabled.
INFO 12:51:08,973 Loading
so use netstat to find out which process had opened the port.
2011/8/3 CASSANDRA learner
> Thnks for the reply Nila
> When i did PS command, I could not able to find any process related to
> cassandra. Thts the problem..
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> See
As per subject, Please explain me what is the significance of
When an OutOfMemoryError is thrown, a heap dump file named
java_pid.hprof will be created automatically is you run your java
app with +HeapDumpOnOutMemoryError
2011/8/3 CASSANDRA learner :
> As per subject, Please explain me what is the significance of
> java_pidxxx.hprof
2011/8/3 CASSANDRA learner :
> Hi,
> can you please send me the mailing list address of tomcat
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> I suppose what you are looking for is an example of interacting with a
>> java app.
>> You should h
It means the node you ran the command against could not contact node it's probably down.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 3 Aug 2011, at 14:03, Dikang Gu wrote:
> I followed the instructions in the FA
There really should be something logged at the ERROR level in the server side
log, that error is raised when an unhanded exception bubbles out to the thrift
layer on the server.
Double check the logging is configured correctly.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Develo
If you want to take a look o.a.c.hadoop.ColumnFamilyRecordReader.getSplits() is
the function that gets the splits.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 3 Aug 2011, at 16:18, Patrik Modesto wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 2, 201
Only run one schema change at a time, and only do it when the cluster has
converged to a single schema. The CLI checks for this.
What process are you following now ?
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 3 Aug 201
and AsciiType
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 3 Aug 2011, at 16:35, eldad87 wrote:
> Thank you!
> Will this situation work only for UTF8Type comparator?
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:50 AM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:
> A mino
> In other words, if one of the nodes is down - the write (or read) will fail.
Cassandra will always try to get a write distributed to RF nodes. The
Consistency Level is how many replicas you want to be written before you accept
the request was a success. e.g. with RF 3 and QUORUM you are s
There were never any restrictions other than common sense.
The more you make, even under 0.8, the more frequently you have to flush to
disk. 0.8 automates the memory management, which used to involve random
guesses, and basically makes it's usable.
So I'm just saying there is a down side. If
yup, my bad.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 3 Aug 2011, at 19:45, Sam Overton wrote:
> A slight correction/clarification:
> 1) DeletedColumns always win. If there are two deletes the highest timestamp
> wins
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 3:03 PM, aaron morton wrote:
> and AsciiType
> -
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> @aaronmorton
> On 3 Aug 2011, at 16:35, eldad87 wrote:
> Thank you!
> Will this situation work only for UTF8Type
Is there any manual or important notes I should know before I try to install
Cassandra on EC2?
This is a known bug:
(note that the issue title is not exact, in that this is not a problem with an
upgrade from 0.7 to 0.8).
This will be corrected in 0.8.3 that is under a vote right now to be released.
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 12:
One thing you might want to look at is the Apache Whirr project (which is
awesome by the way!). It automagically handles spinning up a cluster of
resources on EC2 (or rackspace for that matter), installing and configuring
cassandra, and starting it.
One thing to be aware of if you go this route.
But I prefer to learn how to Install first - if you have any good references
(I didn't find any, even general installation for a EC2/regular machine)
I'm also going to try and install Solandra, I hope that Whirr will support
it in the near future.
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 5:43 PM, John Conwe
I'd like to get tutorials on how to install Cassandra and Solandra - I
couldn't find anything helpful.
In addition, how to use (index/search) Solandra tutorials will be great.
thank's for your help. This does work.
Odd, when you generally escape special chars with an backslash.
> Datum: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 21:42:44 -0500
> Von: Eric Evans
> An:
> Betreff: Re: CQL: How to escape single quotes?
> On Wed,
I believe you can set start to be "ABC_" and finish to be "ABC_\" (for
UTF8) to get everything that contains exactly ABC_ and set finish to
"ABC_\" to get everything that starts with ABC_. You probably want to
do a simple string comparison test to verify.
On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 6:50 PM,
I'm trying to install Cassandra on Amazon EC2 without success, this is what
I did:
1. Created new "Small" EC2 instance (this is just for testing), running
Ubuntu OS - custom AIM (ami-596f3c1c) from:
2. Installed Java:
# sudo a
did u compile source code? :)
you have downloaded source code not binary.
try with binary.
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Eldad Yamin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install Cassandra on Amazon EC2 without success, this is what
> I did:
>1. Created new "Small" EC2 instance (this is just for
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Eldad Yamin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install Cassandra on Amazon EC2 without success, this is what
> I did:
> Created new "Small" EC2 instance (this is just for testing), r
Hi Eldad,
Check out
There are a few ways listed there including a step-by-step guide.
Dave Viner
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 7:49 AM, Eldad Yamin wrote:
> Thanks!
> But I prefer to learn how to Install first - if you have any good
> references (I didn't
What happens when DC is in different time zone so 9:00 pacific vs 11:00
View this message in context:
Sent from the cassandra-u...@incubator.apache.
Some quick thoughts that might be helpful:
- use ephemeral instances and RAID0 over the local volumes for both cassandra's
data as well as the log directory. The log directory because if you crash due
to heap size, the heap dump will be stored in the log directory. you don't
want that to go i
Running v0.8.2, I can't see how to monitor the status/progress of a nodetool
repair. Any advice?
The nodetool repair command from the command line is not returning, so I
assume it's still running. But there's little CPU or disk activity.
Using jconsole to look at the AntiEntropyStage attributes,
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 10:09 AM, mcasandra wrote:
> What happens when DC is in different time zone so 9:00 pacific vs 11:00
> Central
Nothing. Timestamps have no knowledge of timezones, they're just
offsets from an arbitrary point in the past.
Thanks Jonathan,
I saw the EC2 AMI that was made by datastax - I prefer not to use it becuse
I want to learn how to install Cassandra first.
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> On Wed,
Thanks! I missed that lol!
BTW, how do I compile it?
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:51 PM, samal wrote:
> did u compile source code? :)
> you have downloaded source code not binary.
> try with binary.
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Eldad Yamin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to install
Greetings all,
I just wanted to send a note out to let everyone know about Planet Cassandra
-- an aggregation site for Cassandra news and blogs. Andrew Llavore from
DataStax and I built the site.
We are currently waiting for approval from the Apache Software Foundation
before we publicly launch.
Awesome, great news!
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Lynn Bender wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I just wanted to send a note out to let everyone know about Planet
> Cassandra -- an aggregation site for Cassandra news and blogs. Andrew
> Llavore from DataStax and I built the site.
> We are curren
The last patch on that ticket is what we're running in prod. Its
working well for us with disk_failure_mode: readwrite. In the case of
filesystem errors the node shuts off thrift and gossip. While the
gossip is propagating we can continue to serve some reads out of the
On Tue, Aug 2
I have a cluster of 3 Cassandra nodes and I would like to start using
1. How can I install Solandra and make use the existing nodes?
2. Will it be better to install Solandra on a new node and add it to the
existing cluster?
3. How Solandra index, does it operate automatically or I
Pre build AMI here
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 4 Aug 2011, at 03:24, Jeremy Hanna wrote:
> Some quick thoughts that might b
Repair has two phases.
The first phase involves calculating the differences (the Merkel trees). You
can monitor this via nodetool compactionstats, you should see a Validation
compaction reported.
The second phase is streaming data around, nodetool netstats will show you the
progress there.
I have a 3-node, RF=3, cluster configured to write at CL.ALL and read at
CL.ONE. When I take one of the nodes down, writes fail which is what I
When I run a repair, I see data being streamed from those column families...
that I didn't expect. How can the nodes diverge ? Does this mea
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Philippe wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a 3-node, RF=3, cluster configured to write at CL.ALL and read at
> CL.ONE. When I take one of the nodes down, writes fail which is what I
> expect.
> When I run a repair, I see data being streamed from those column
> families... t
It seems to me that your column name consists of two components. If you have
the luxury to upgrade your cassandra to 0.8.1+, I think you can think about
using the composite type/column. Conceptually, it might suit your use case
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 5:28 AM, Eldad Yamin wrote:
> Hello,
Hi Johnathan,
One more question. I'm experimenting with the chef recipes for brisk.
Upon the initial installation, the brisk recipe removes the existing
system Keyspace if it's present. The new cluster will not have the"
Spidertracks" keyspace in it's meta data, and will be a completely
You'd have to check to see for sure. It might work
that way, but if it does it's an accident -- seems totally fair for it to
assume that there are no SSTables for a newly created CF.
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:25 PM, Todd Nine wrote:
> **
> Hi Johnathan,
> One more questi
Yes, I do find the error log!
ERROR [pool-2-thread-63] 2011-08-04 13:23:54,138 (line 3210)
Internal error processing get_range_slices
I'm using the cassandra-0.8.1, is this a known bug?
Dikang Gu
0086 - 18611140205
On Wednesday, Augus
Great! I hope it will be open soon!
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 10:33 PM, Ed Anuff wrote:
> Awesome, great news!
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Lynn Bender wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>> I just wanted to send a note out to let everyone know about Planet
>> Cassandra -- an aggregation site
HI Aaron,
Thanks for your replay.
I've already saw that, but at the moment I'm interesting in installing
Cassandra from scratch - I want to learn.
well, yesterday I've installed 1 node - now I'm looking on how to add more
nodes and read more about Cassandra's tools (node reaper etc.)
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