On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 08:58, Mck wrote:
>> You are correct that microseconds would be better but for the test it
>> doesn't matter that much.
> Have you tried. I'm very new to cassandra as well, and always uncertain
> as to what to expect...
IMHO it's matter of use-case. In my use-case there
I'm using the jars packed in Hector 0.6.0-19 (the one compatible with
Cassandra 0.6.*). I wanted to use hector, but for some reason I
haven't been able to do so yet. What I'm doing is a POC kind of thing,
and only if it works out properly, we'll go on to build on it.
The reason I asked this questi
On Wed, 2011-01-26 at 12:13 +0100, Patrik Modesto wrote:
> BTW how to get current time in microseconds in Java?
I'm using HFactory.clock() (from hector).
> > As far as moving the clone(..) into ColumnFamilyRecordWriter.write(..)
> > won't this hurt performance?
> The size of the queue is comp
It's a bug.
In SSTableDeletingReference, it try this operation
STable.delete(desc, components);
However, the components was reference to the components object which was
created inside SSTable by
this.components = Collections.unmodifiableSet(dataCompon
click on the loadSchema() button in right panel :)
2011/1/26 Raoyixuan (Shandy)
> I had find the loasschemafrom yaml by jconsole,How to load the schema ?
> *From:* Ashish [mailto:paliwalash...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, January 21, 2011 8:10 PM
> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
> *Subj
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 12:09 PM, Mick Semb Wever wrote:
> Well your key is a mutable Text object, so i can see some possibility
> depending on how hadoop uses these objects.
Yes, that's it exactly. We recently fixed a bug in the demo
word_count program for this. Now we do
I was moving a node and at some point it started streaming data to 2 other
nodes. Later, that node keeled over and let's assume I can't fix it for the
next 3 days and just want to move tokens on the remaining three to even out
and see if I can live with it.
But I can't do that! The node that was
Thanks for tracking that down! Created
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-2059 to fix.
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Ching-Cheng Chen
> It's a bug.
> In SSTableDeletingReference, it try this operation
> components.remove(Component.DATA);
> before
> STable.delete(desc, comp
Patch submitted.
One thing I still don't understand is why
RetryingScheduledThreadPoolExecutor isn't firing the
DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, which should have logged that
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> Thanks for tracking that down! Created
> https://iss
I think this might be what happening.
Since you are using ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.schedule(), the exception
was swallowed by the FutureTask.
You will have to perform a get() method on the ScheduledFuture, and you will
get ExecutionException if there was any exception occured in run().
Hi All,
I was able to run contrib/stress at a very impressive throughput. Single
threaded client was able to pump 2,000 inserts per second with 0.4 ms latency.
Multithreaded client was able to pump 7,000 inserts per second with 7ms latency.
Thank you very much for your help!
Would you share with us the changes you made, or problems you found?
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Oleg Proudnikov wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was able to run contrib/stress at a very impressive throughput. Single
> threaded client was able to pump 2,000 inserts per second with 0.4 ms latency.
> M
After some bad experiences in the past using non-release versions, I am a
little hesitant. Which nodes would the new code have to be deployed to in
order to test? If it is just one of the three, I might be willing if I need
to repair again.
From: Brandon Williams [mailto:dri...@gmail.co
I returned to periodic commit log fsync.
Jonathan Shook gmail.com> writes:
> Would you share with us the changes you made, or problems you found?
I have set up a new installation of Cassandra, and have it running with
no problems (0.7.0)
Using CLI I added a new keyspace, and column family.
When I set a value for a column I get "Value Inserted"
However, when I get the column value it is a number, even though the
Column Family is o
I am having yet another issue on one of my Cassandra nodes. Last night, one
of my nodes ran out of memory and crashed after flooding the logs with the
same type of errors I am seeing below. After restarting, they are popping up
again. My solution has been to drop the consistency from ALL to ONE for
I'm very (2 days) new to Cassandra, but what does the output look like?
Total shot in the dark, if the number is less than 256 would it not
look the same as bytes or a number?
Hope that in some way helps...
From: David Quattlebaum [mailto:dquat...@medprocure.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January
Nope, I should be getting back the String values that were inserted:
[default@TestKeyspace] get custparent['David'];
=> (column=4164647265737331, value=333038204279205061737320313233,
=> (column=43697479, value=53656e656361, timestamp=129607174731)
=> (column=4e616d
I'm looking to use Cassandra to store log messages from various
systems. A log message only has a message (UTF8Type) and a data/time.
My thought is to create a column family for each system. The row key
will be a TimeUUIDType. Each row will have 7 columns: year, month,
day, hour, minute, second, an
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Dan Hendry wrote:
> After some bad experiences in the past using non-release versions, I am a
> little hesitant.
The just apply the patch from
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-1992 to 0.7.0
> Which nodes would the new code have to be deployed t
Why would you expect strings? You stated that your comparator is
BytesType. If you set the default_validation_class then you can
specify what types the values should be returned as:
[default@Devel] create column family david with comparator=BytesType
and default_validation_class=UTF8Type;
I would say in that case you might want to try a single column family
where the key to the column is the system name.
Then, you could name your columns as the timestamp. Then when retrieving
information from the data store you can can, in your slice request, specify
your start column as X and
Having separate columns for Year, Month etc seems redundant. It's tons more
efficient to keep say UTC time in POSIX format (basically integer). It's
easy to convert back and forth.
If you want to get a range of dates, in that case you might use Order
Preserving Partitioner, and sort out which sys
Bump. I still don't know what is the best things to do, plz help.
View this message in context:
Sent from the cassandra-u...@incubator.apache.org mailing list
I like this approach, but I have 2 questions:
1) what is the implications of continually adding columns to a single
row? I'm unsure how Cassandra is able to grow. I realize you can have
a virtually infinite number of columns, but what are the implications
of growing the number of columns over time
You are absolutely correct, I must not have set the default_validation_class
when I added the column family.
Thanks what I get for continuing to work late into the night!
DQ < Less stupid next time
-Original Message-
From: Bill Speirs [mailto:bill.spe...@gmail.com]
I have a basic understanding of OPP... if most of my messages come
within a single hour then a few nodes could be storing all of my
values, right?
You totally lost me on, "whether to shard data as per system..." Is my
schema (one column family per system, and row keys as TimeUUIDType)
sharding by
No worries... it forced me to setup an env to test my understanding.
I'm still trying to learn/understand.
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 4:23 PM, David Quattlebaum
> Bill,
> You are absolutely correct, I must not have set the default_validation_class
> when I added the column family.
My cli knowledge sucks so far, so I'll leave that to othersI'm doing
most of my reading/writing through a thrift client (hector/java based)
As for the implications, as of the latest version of Cassandra there is not
theoretical limit to the number of columns that a particular row can hold.
One thing you can do is create one CF, then as the row key use the
application name + timestamp, with that you can do your range query using
OOP. then store whatever you want in the row
problem would be if one app generates far more logs than the others
Nicolas Santini
On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 1
I used the term "sharding" a bit frivolously. Sorry. It's just splitting
semantically homogenious data among CFs doesn't scale too well, as each CF
is allocated a piece of memory on the server.
View this message in context:
Each row can have a maximum of 2 billion columns, which a logging system will
probably hit eventually.
More importantly, you'll only have 1 row per set of system logs. Every row is
stored on the same machine(s), which you means you'll definitely not be able to
distribute your load very well.
When this has happened to me, restarting the node you are trying to
move works. I can't remeber the exact conditions but I have also hade
to restart all nodes in the cluster simultaneously once or twice as
I would love to know if there is a better way of doing it.
On Wednesday, January 26,
from what I know, you don't really have to restart "simultaneously",
although of course you don't want to wait.
I finally decided to use "removetoken" command to actually scratch out the
sickly node from the cluster. I'll bootstrap is later when it's fixed.
View this message in cont
Sorry if this sounds silly, but I can't get my brain around this one: if all
nodes contain replicas, why does the cluster stream data every time I more
or remove a token? If the data is already there, what needs to be streamed?
View this message in context:
It makes sense that the single row for a system (with a growing number of
columns) will reside on a single machine.
With that in mind, here is my updated schema:
- A single column family for all the messages. The row keys will be the TimeUUID
of the message with the following columns: date/tim
Bill, it's all explained here:
Watch the number of CFs and the memtable sizes.
In my experience, this all matters.
View this message in context:
Not all nodes have replicas. First of all, the number of replicas is determined
by replication_factor which you set when creating the keyspace - and where they
go is determined by replica_placement_strategy. Say, if you pick 3, the first
copy of your item are placed based on token value of the n
Ah, sweet... thanks for the link!
On 01/26/2011 08:20 PM, buddhasystem wrote:
Bill, it's all explained here:
Watch the number of CFs and the memtable sizes.
In my experience, this all matters.
Thanks, I'll look at the configuration again.
In the meantime, I can't "move" the first node in the ring (after I removed
the previous node's token) -- it throws an exception and says data is being
streamed to it -- however, this is not what netstats says! Weirdness
Geoffry Roberts
Removetoken command just never returns. There is nothing streaming in the
Anyone knows what might be happening?
nodetool ring returns different results on two nodes compared to the third
one (which is the first in the ring). Weirdness started when I did move 0 on
the no-defunct node whi
I am also working on a system store logs from hundreds system.
In my scenario, most query will like this: "let's look at login logs (category
EQ) of that proxy (host EQ) between this Monday and Wednesday(time range)."
My data model like this:
. only 1 CF. that's enough for this scenario.
. group l
I have no clue about this error.. look into log files. They might reveal
Anyone else can help here.?
2011/1/27 Raoyixuan (Shandy)
> It shows error, I put it in the attachment
> *From:* Ashish [mailto:paliwalash...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:31 PM
> *T
i ran out of file handles on the "repairing node" after doing nodetool
repair - strange as i have never had this issue until using 0.7.0 (but i
should say that i have not truly tested 0.7.0 until now.) up'ed the
number of file handles, removed data, restarted nodes, then restarted my
test. wa
I had solved this problem.
I created the column family firstly, then it’s ok.
From: Ashish [mailto:paliwalash...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:16 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: the java client problem
I have no clue about this error.. look into log files. They migh
Can anyone suggest me how to manually generate tokens for Cassandra 0.7.0
cluster, while ByteOrderedPartitioner is being used?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Matthew Tovbin.
Anyone using Cassandra for storing large number (millions) of large (mostly
immutable) objects (200KB-5MB size each)? I would like to understand the
experience in general considering that Cassandra is not considered a good
fit for large objects. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-265
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