Make sure you are setting the discovery type to ring describe or token
aware. This is different from the connection pool type, which can also be
token aware.
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Hiller, Dean wrote:
> IS anyone using astyanax with their cassandra along with TOKEN AWARE as in
> here
I use astyanax 1.56.18 with cassandra 1.1.5. Everything works as supposed
to. What does ThreadPoolMonitor report?
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Hiller, Dean wrote:
> IS anyone using astyanax with their cassandra along with TOKEN AWARE as in
> here (cassandra version 1.1.4)
> (see
IS anyone using astyanax with their cassandra along with TOKEN AWARE as in here
(cassandra version 1.1.4)
(see Token Aware section)
We have maxConnsPerHost 20 right now and 3 seeds for our cluster but astyanax
is not discovering any other n