Motta []
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: StreamCoordinator.ConnectionsPerHost set to 1
Increasing the number of threads alone won't help, because you need to add
connectionsPerHost-awareness to StreamPlan.requestR
Increasing the number of threads alone won't help, because you need to add
connectionsPerHost-awareness to StreamPlan.requestRanges (otherwise only a
single connection per host is created) similar to what was done to
StreamPlan.transferFiles by CASSANDRA-3668, but maybe bit trickier. There's
an ope
I noticed that StreamCoordinator.ConnectionsPerHost is always set to 1
(Cassandra 2.1.13). If I am reading the code correctly, this means there will
always be just one socket (well, 2 technically for each direction) between
nodes when rebuilding thus the data will always be serialized.