shouldn't happen. You didn't happen to change the
>>> comparator for the column family or something like that from the
>>> hector side?
>>> Are you able to reproduce from a blank DB?
>>> --
>>> Sylvain
>> will not allow two ranges be specified for two key parts. Obviously I still
>>> lack a profound understanding of cassandras architecture to have a clue.
>>> And while client side filtering might seem like a valid option I am still
>>> trying to get might head around a
BTW: I really would love to understand as of why the combined comparator
>> will not allow two ranges be specified for two key parts. Obviously I still
>> lack a profound understanding of cassandras architecture to have a clue.
>> And while client side filtering might seem like a
> trying to get might head around a cassandra data model that would allow this.
> best regards
> ________________
> Von: Sylvain Lebresne []
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012 10:21
> Bis:
> Betref
ure to have a clue.
> And while client side filtering might seem like a valid option I am still
> trying to get might head around a cassandra data model that would allow this.
> best regards
> ________________
> Von: Sylvain Lebresne [sylv...@datastax
On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 11:10 PM, Henning Kropp wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running into timeout issues using composite columns in cassandra 1.1.1
> and cql 3.
> My keyspace and table is defined as the following:
> create keyspace bn_logs
> with strategy_options = [{replication_factor:1}]