From: Josef Lindman Hörnlund []
Sent: woensdag 3 juni 2015 12:16
Subject: Re: Different number of records from COPY command
I ran into that issue a while ago and it was because I hit the tombstone limit
on one of the nodes. Try running `nodetool
I ran into that issue a while ago and it was because I hit the tombstone limit
on one of the nodes. Try running `nodetool compact adlog
'adclicklog20150528.csv` and see if that helps.
Josef Lindman Hörnlund
> On 02 Jun 2015, at 17:48, Saurabh Chandolia wrote:
> Still getting inconsistent n
Still getting inconsistent number of records on consistency ALL and QUORUM.
Following is the output of consistency ALL and QUORUM.
cqlsh:adlog> CONSISTENCY ALL;
Consistency level set to ALL.
cqlsh:adlog> copy adclicklog20150528 (imprid) TO 'adclicklog20150528.csv';
Processed 58000 rows; Write: 306
I have never exported data myself but can u just try setting 'consistency ALL'
on cqlsh before executing command?
Anuj Wadehra
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From:"Saurabh Chandolia"
Date:Tue, 2 Jun, 2015 at 8:47 pm
Subject:Different number of records from COPY command
I am seeing d