Thank you Aaaron!
Your blog post helped me understand how a row with a compound key is stored and
this helped me understand how to create the sstable files.
For anyone who needs it this is how it works:
In Cassandra-cli the row looks like this:
RowKey: 5
=> (column=10:created, value=013f84be
> create table test_table ( k1 bigint, k2 bigint, created timestamp, PRIMARY
> KEY (k1, k2) ) with compaction = { 'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy' };
When CQL creates a non COMPACT STORAGE
table it uses comp
I am using Cassandra 1.2.5. I built a cluster of 2 data centers with 3 nodes in
each data center.
I created a key space and table with a composite key:
create keyspace test_keyspace WITH replication = {'class':
'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1' : 1, 'DC2' : 1};
create table test_table (