> - I know that OPP is deprecated. Is it that OPP completely unsupported? Is
> it stated in upgrade instructions or some where? Did we miss it?
Basically yes, OPP is not going to work in 1.2 because of the System
tables. I don't think you'll find any upgrade instructions anywhere because
to be h
AFAIK, OPP is no longer supported and you should use ByteOrderedPartitioner
(support of non-UTF characters too) instead :
see http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.2/cluster_architecture/partitioners
On Jul 22, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Vara Kumar wrote:
> We were using 0.7.6 version. And u
We were using 0.7.6 version. And upgraded to 1.2.5 today. We were using OPP
OPP throws error when any node join the cluster. Cluster can not be brought
up due to this error. After digging little deep, We realized that "peers"
column family is defined with key as type