When I migrated data from our RDBMS, I hashed columns names to integers.
This makes for some
footwork, but the space gain is clearly there so it's worth it. I
de-hash on read.
On 2/10/2012 5:15 PM, Narendra Sharma wrote:
It is good to have short column names. They save space all the way
It is good to have short column names. They save space all the way from
network transfer to in-memory usage to storage. It is also good idea to
club immutables columns that are read together and store as single column.
We gained significant overall performance benefits with this.
On Fri, F
What are the implications of using short vs long column names? Is it better to
use short column names or longer ones?
I know for MongoDB you are better of using short field names
http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Optimizing+Storage+of+Small+Objects Does
this apply to Cassandra column names?