Hi Rob,
Thank you for your reply.
Our scenario is like this, we have 3 clusters, each has 1 or 2 keyspaces
in it,
and each cluster has 3 nodes.
Now we're considering integrating these 3 clusters of 9 nodes to a
single cluster of 9 nodes.
This new cluster will contain all keyspaces and their da
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 4:18 AM, 張 睿 wrote:
> Does anyone here know if there is an efficient way to migrate multiple
> cassandra clusters' data
> to a single cassandra cluster without any dataloss.
1) create schema which is superset of all columnfamilies and all keyspaces
2) if all source c
We have several Cassandra clusters in our department, each for a single
Now we're considering merge these clusters to a single one, and this
single one will serve
all applications using cassandra, each with a single keyspace.
We tried unifying all cluster names to a same one, but