Re: Brisk Unbalanced Ring

2011-07-18 Thread Sameer Farooqui
FYI - This manual reordering of the DCs and RACs might make it easier to see how the tokens are arranged. Pretty sure that the token ranges are picked correctly. Ignore the Owns column, b/c it is not multi-datacenter aware (so it thinks all of the nodes are in one ring as opposed to two (DC1 & DC2)

Brisk Unbalanced Ring

2011-07-18 Thread tamara.alexander
We're running brisk v1 beta2 on 12 nodes - 8 cassandra in DC1 and 4 brisk in DC 2 in EC2. Wrote a few TBs of data to the cluster, and unfortunately the load is very unbalanced. Every key is the same size and we are using RandomPartitioner. There are two replicas of data in DC1 and one replica in