> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 12:55 PM
> To:
> Cc: Rudolf van der Leeden
> Subject: Re: 2 nodes throwing exceptions trying to compact after upgrade to
> 1.1.2 from 1.1.0
> See
compact after upgrade to
1.1.2 from 1.1.0
The bug is related to LCS (leveled compaction) and has been fixed
The bug is related to LCS (leveled compaction) and has been fixed.
On 16.07.2012, at 20:32, Bryce Godfrey wrote:
> This may not be directly related to the upgrade to 1.1.2, but I was running
> on 1.1.0 for a while with no issues, and
This may not be directly related to the upgrade to 1.1.2, but I was running on
1.1.0 for a while with no issues, and I did the upgrade to 1.1.2 a few days ago.
2 of my nodes started throwing lots of promote exceptions, and then a lot of
the beforeAppend exceptions from then on every few minutes.