I also want to know
2010/4/28 David Boxenhorn
> When I change the cluster name in storage-conf.xml, the CLI complains that
> the cluster name doesn't equal "Test Cluster".
> How do I change the cluster name that the CLI looks for?
I encountered the same problem! Hope to get some help.Tks.
2010/4/22 Ingram Chen
> arh! That's right.
> I check OutboundTcpConnection and it only does closeSocket() after
> something went wrong. I will log more in OutboundTcpConnection to see what
> actually happens.
> Thank your help.
I get 10 columns Family by keys and one columns Family has 30 columns.
I use multigetSlice once to get 10 column Family.but the performance is so
anyone has other thought to increase the performance.