RE: cql3 - adding two numbers in insert statement

2017-04-28 Thread Shreyas Chandra Sekhar
- <> France The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting 2017-04-03 22:50 GMT+02:00 Shreyas Chandra Sekhar> >: Hi, I am trying to generate a random value of certa

cql3 - adding two numbers in insert statement

2017-04-03 Thread Shreyas Chandra Sekhar
Hi, I am trying to generate a random value of certain length and use that as one of the value in CQL3. Below is an example INSERT INTO "KS"."CF" (key, column1, value) VALUES (613462303431313435313838306530667c6263317431756331, 2633174317563312f6f36, blobAsUuid(timeuuidAsBlob(now())) + 1000);

stress-tool with mixed character case in Keyspace and column family

2017-03-31 Thread Shreyas Chandra Sekhar
My Keyspace has both upper and lower cases and trying to run Cassandra-stress tool using yaml file. I tried using parsing them with different string literals. but running into errors 1) yaml file keyspace: "\"UserData_1d0a5f1b5ae297d2958520f5983ba84d\"" error message: Sleeping