Re: Migrating to a new cluster (using SSTableLoader or other approaches)

2012-08-16 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
ream( at DEBUG [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-08-16 22:01:08,571 (line 86) Disseminating load info ... -- Filippo Diotalevi On Wednesday, 15 August 2012 at 22:53, aaron morton

Re: Migrating to a new cluster (using SSTableLoader or other approaches)

2012-08-16 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
like an error. > > Can you run nodetool with DEBUG level logging and post the logs ? Thank Aaron. Which nodetool command are you referring to? (info, cfstats, ring,….) Do I modify the in $CASSANDRA_HOME/conf to set the nodetool logs to DEBUG? Thanks, -- Filippo Di

Migrating to a new cluster (using SSTableLoader or other approaches)

2012-08-15 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
ava:91) at ... 3 more --- What's the correct approach to migrate data from one cluster to another? How can I troubleshoot the problem with sstableloader? Thanks, -- Filippo Diotalevi

Re: Is large number of columns per row a problem?

2012-08-02 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
ed of millions of small rows don't cause issues, but having just a few very wide rows will cause timeouts and, in worst cases, OOM. -- Filippo Diotalevi

Nodes marked dead…. leap second?

2012-07-02 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
( also see ) I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS. Many thanks, -- Filippo Diotalevi

Maximum load per node

2012-06-07 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
rmance degradation for overloaded nodes? What kind of performance degradation can we expect for a Cassandra node which is "overloaded"? (f.i. with 500GB or more of data) Thanks for the clarifications, -- Filippo Diotalevi

Re: Query

2012-06-06 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
new ArrayList(); columns.add(columnFamily1); KeyspaceDefinition testKeyspace = HFactory.createKeyspaceDefinition(keyspace, org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy.class.getName(), 1, columns); cluster.addKeyspace(testKeyspace); -- Filippo Diotalevi On Wednesday, 6 June 2012 at 07:05, MOHD

Re: cassandra-hadoop mapper

2012-05-31 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
Hi, yes, the work can be split between different mappers, but each one will process one row at the time. In fact, the method > public void map(ByteBuffer key, SortedMap columns, > Context context) processes 1 row, with the specified ByteBuffer key and the list of columns SortedMap columns.

Re: RE Ordering counters in Cassandra

2012-05-22 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
Thanks for all the answers, they definitely helped. Just out of curiosity, is there any underlying architectural reason why it's not possible to order a row based on its counters values? or is it something that might be in the roadmap in the future? -- Filippo Diotalevi On Tuesda

Re: RE Ordering counters in Cassandra

2012-05-21 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
unter you might "lose" the pointer to the column to delete.  -- Filippo Diotalevi On Monday, 21 May 2012 at 18:51, Tamar Fraenkel wrote: I also had a similar problem. I have a temporary solution, which i

Re: RE Ordering counters in Cassandra

2012-05-21 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
t approach, but since I have many of these wide rows (1 per day), the process is extremely slow as it involves moving an entire row from Cassandra to client, inverting every column, and sending the data back to create the inversed index. -- Filippo Diotalevi On Monday, 21 May 2012 a

Ordering counters in Cassandra

2012-05-21 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
so it's difficult to slice the get call. Is there any trick to solve this problem? Maybe a way to retrieve the row ordering for counter values? Thanks, -- Filippo Diotalevi

How Cassandra determines the splits

2012-05-01 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
u have any suggestion to solve/troublehsoot this issue? -- Filippo Diotalevi

cassandra.input.split.size and number of mappers

2012-04-23 Thread Filippo Diotalevi
t value passed. Is it maybe a Cassadra configuration? Or can it be a bug in the code? Thanks, -- Filippo Diotalevi