It really depends how close you want to stay to the most current versions of
open source community products.
Cloudera has tended to build more products that requires their distribution to
not be as current with open source product versions.
Sent from mi iPhone
> On May 9, 20
> AND COMPRESSION = { 'sstable_compression' : 'SnappyCompressor',
> 'chunk_length_kb' : '8' };
> You ask because large values are known to cause issues? Anything special you
> have in mind?
> kind regards,
> Christian
Also, what type of data were you reading/writing?
Sent from mi iPad
> On Apr 15, 2016, at 8:29 AM, horschi wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> were you able to resolve your Problem?
> We are trying the same and also see a lot of WriteTimeouts:
> WriteTimeoutException: Cassandra timeout