
2018-09-05 Thread Andrew Baker
Hi Shyam, Those are big questions! The book *Cassandra: The Definitive Guide *is a good place to start, it will walk you through a little bit of each of those questions. It should be a challenging project. Look around at and Datastax has some good tutorials and video

Re: GUI clients for Cassandra

2018-04-22 Thread Andrew Baker is pretty nice, not a fully fledge Cassandra GUI, but worth a look. Plus it can be used for all sorts of other things. On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 8:59 AM Hannu Kröger wrote: > Hello everyone! > > I have been asked many times that what is a good GUI client for Cassandra

Re: Inserting list data

2016-11-30 Thread Andrew Baker
eated_date","alert_level","updated_by","updated_date") > > VALUES > (25712,[2],NULL,'service-worker:ec45afd2-c40a-44d9-a2a1-7416409be6e2',1476160103007,2,NULL,NULL); > > on host2 > cqlsh> INSERT INTO global.table_name > ("alert

Re: Inserting list data

2016-10-13 Thread Andrew Baker
I saw evidence of this behavior, but when we created a test to try to make it happen it never did, we assumed it was UDT related and lost interest, since it didn't have a big impact. I will try to carve some time to look into this some more and let you know if I find anything. On Wed, Oct 12, 2016