Re: Cassandra dying when gets many deletes

2012-05-06 Thread Віталій Тимчишин
Thanks a lot. It seems that a fix is commited now and fix will appear in the next release, so I won't need my own patched cassandra :) Best regards, Vitalii Tymchyshyn. 2012/5/3 Andrey Kolyadenko > Hi Vitalii, > > I sent patch. > > > 2012/4/24 Віталій Тимчишин > >> Glad you've got it working p

Re: [1.1] Can't create column

2012-05-06 Thread cyril auburtin
It's the comparator so? because I tried without the single quotes on column_name and same error thanks 2012/5/6 Pierre Chalamet > create column family Post with comparator=UTF8Type and > colum_metadata=[{column_name : user, validation_class : UTF8Type}] and > comment='bla’; > > ** ** > > - P

RE: [1.1] Can't create column

2012-05-06 Thread Pierre Chalamet
create column family Post with comparator=UTF8Type and colum_metadata=[{column_name : user, validation_class : UTF8Type}] and comment='bla'; - Pierre From: cyril auburtin [] Sent: dimanche 6 mai 2012 13:10 To: Subject: [1.1] Can't cr

RE: creating keyspace with 1.1

2012-05-06 Thread Pierre Chalamet
Caching has quite change a lot in 1.1. See You need to set appropriate value in cassandra conf : key_cache_size_in_mb, key_cache_save_period and row_cache_size_in_mb. You

[1.1] Can't create column

2012-05-06 Thread cyril auburtin
[default@ks] create column family Post with column_type = 'Standard' and column_metadata = [{column_name: 'user', validation_class: 'UTF8Type'}, {column_name: 'type', validation_class: 'UTF8Type'}] and comment = 'bla'; java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MarshalException: ca

Re: creating keyspace with 1.1

2012-05-06 Thread cyril auburtin
and one more thing For migration 0.7.10 ->1.1 I had to remove rows_cached, keys_cached, and key_cache_save_period from CF declarations? What would it change for my application create column family Application with column_type = 'Standard' and comparator = 'UTF8Type' and rows_cached = 100.0 and ke

Re: creating keyspace with 1.1

2012-05-06 Thread cyril auburtin
thx Other question (I'm moving from cassandra 0.7.10 to 1.1) the class org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Column.Column 's constructor arguments is now just name instead of (name, value, timestamp) So it should be called like this? new Column(myColumnName).setValue(myVal).setTimestamp(System.currentT

RE: creating keyspace with 1.1

2012-05-06 Thread Pierre Chalamet
Hi, I bet you are using cql commands in cassandra-cli. If you are using cli, use instead: create keyspace Excelsior with placement_strategy='SimpleStrategy' and strategy_options = [{replication_factor:1}] From: cyril auburtin [] Sent: Sunday, May 06,

creating keyspace with 1.1

2012-05-06 Thread cyril auburtin
Hello I have just installed cassandra 1.1 CREATE KEYSPACE Excelsior WITH strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy' AND strategy_options:replication_factor = 1; gives this error: Syntax error at position 85: mismatched input ':' expecting '=' I've looked in changes but didn't found Thanks