Hello everyone,
i need some help to manage my condition.
I already projected my intention in php, just for clarification:
I would like to set ${lib.dir}
${lib.dir.gtk} and ${lib.dir.win} are already set above the condition.
Is there something i missed or didn'T unde
what you have in your build.properties ???
put in your build.properties, that :
lib.dir= /path/lib.dir
best regard
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Danny T. wrote:
Hello everyone,
i need some help to manage my condition.
I already projected my intention in php, jus
i don't need to set the variable, i did a small snippet to explain:
but i already got it...
i need to use instead of property="${build.os}" />
now it works as i want :-)
but thanks anyway
best regards
Am 21.09.2011 22:33, schrieb Alexandre Priou:
you use th