> Hi all, I searched the archives but couldn't find a solution. For
> example, I have a file named filter_me.txt with its contents:
> ${foo}
> In filter_me.properties I have:
> foo=bar
You could always use with rhino/ruby/python etc to do the
filtering for you if necessary, but you should
Environment variables available to Ant must be set in the caller's
environment *before* launching the Ant Java process. So the answer is no,
you cannot set an environment variable within an Ant script the way you
might set one in a shell script. If you are ing another command you
can set variable
I am new to ANT. I have downloaded Cruise control with apache-ant-1.7.0. It
comes with project called connectfour. How can I change Connectfour project
with my own project which runs on TOMCAT.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks A million in advance.
Sunil Braroo
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