Re: yet another problem with windows and '\'

2005-07-26 Thread Juergen Hermann
On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 11:51:11 +0200, Rebhan, Gilbert wrote: >Oops :-( >behaviour as in java when \ has to be masked as \\ >*** What's the reason for that ? *** That is normal behaviour for all property files. If you used echoproperties istead of echo, then this wozld've been no problem, since

yet another problem with windows and '\'

2005-07-26 Thread Rebhan, Gilbert
Hi, if someone else runs into that ... i just had another unpleasant experience with windows pathdelimiter ' \ ' in ant (usually i always write / instead of \ , but in that special case) I've set a property via antcontrib / timestampselector and wrote it to a file to use it in another antscrip