Mikael --
Try running with LANG=en_US.UTF-8, if possible. Other languages might
work as well, or try a different JDK. I came across the
BufferOverflowException when working with large ZIP files. Some
Googling turned up a closed bug with the Sun JVM. Setting LANG is a
workaround, or upgrad
Mikael Petterson (KI/EAB)
> Sent: Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2005 10:13
> To: user@ant.apache.org
> Subject: java.nio.BufferOverflowException in junit task
> Hi,
> we are running some junit (3.8.1) tests with ant (1.6.2) and
> after a while
we are running some junit (3.8.1) tests with ant (1.6.2) and after a while when
running the tests we get the following error (see below).
we are using sun's jdk 1.4.2_04.
Any ideas what this might be?
The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
not part of t