Thanks Dominique
I was trying not to change the time-stamp of the jar files.
If there is no way around I would have to go with the 'touch' option
only I suppose.
Dominique Devienne wrote:
When I manually run
jar ufM ${my.location}/applications/a.ear myclient.jar
The command l
> When I manually run
> jar ufM ${my.location}/applications/a.ear myclient.jar
The command line jar command always does what you tell it to do.
Ant's tries to be smarter, and does something when timestamp
checking tells it something needs to be done, to enable incremental
> it works fin
I am trying to update an ear file using jar update.
Now here is the background.
a.ear may already contain myclient.jar(along with other jar files) and
could be newer, but I want the jar task to update the ear with
myclient.jar fro