Thanks for your help, I'll take a look at it.
Ninju Bohra wrote:
VSS does not give you an easy way to delete un-needed local files...
When we used VSS with CruiseControl for our continous integration goal we were
lucky because had already written a VSS Source Control compoent that would
Vadim Kazakov wrote:
We delete our code tree before doing a VSSGet. Is that an option for you?
it could be an option but I don't like it, mainly because, if nothing
has changed, you do a lot of job for nothing...
Thanks for your answer!
We delete our code tree before doing a VSSGet. Is that an option for you?
-Original Message-
From: Sébastien Annedouche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: March 15, 2005 2:10 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: VSSGet Task and synchronization
Hi all,
I use vssget task to retrieve files from a
VSS does not give you an easy way to delete un-needed local files...
When we used VSS with CruiseControl for our continous integration goal we were
lucky because had already written a VSS Source Control compoent that would set
a property if a file had been deleted in a VSS project tree.
I belie
Hi all,
I use vssget task to retrieve files from a visual source safe database
before compiling.
It works fine but I don't know how to handle deleted source files ?
Should I use vsshistory and parse the output for deleted files and
delete them locally ?
Does anyone know a way to do that ?