> -Original Message-
> From: Jack Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, 2 April 2006 10:51 PM
> To: 'Ant Users List'
> Subject: RE: ANT_HOME is set incorrectly or ant could not be
> located. Please set ANT_HOME.
> Dear Stephen
From: Stephen McConnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 7:32 PM
To: 'Ant Users List'
Subject: RE: ANT_HOME is set incorrectly or ant could not be located. Please
> I had create "ANT_Home" with value point to c:\ant,
> Now when
> I had create "ANT_Home" with value point to c:\ant,
> Now when I type "ant" from the console, it just keep saying
> "ANT_HOME is set incorrectly or ant could not be located.
> Please set ANT_HOME."
Try defining the environment variable "ANT_HOME", not "ANT_Home".