> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 23:53:19 -0600
> Subject: Re: [Ant]Read buid.xml file in memory
> From: earlh...@gmail.com
> To: user@ant.apache.org
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Jackie Xiao wrote:
> > The thing is, we need to enable customers to work with us, but
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Jackie Xiao wrote:
> The thing is, we need to enable customers to work with us, but we
> don’t want to share the build scripts (I know it’s weird).
Then maybe you should consider using the Ant API directly to set your
tasks and what not, or a different tool entire
content from memory, this should work.
Best Regards
From: Martin Gainty mailto:mgai...@hotmail.com>>
Date: 2015年2月12日 GMT+08003时52分04秒
To: Ant Users List mailto:user@ant.apache.org>>
Subject: RE: [Ant]Read buid.xml file in memory
Reply-To: "Ant Users List" mailto:user@an
On 2015-02-11, Jackie Xiao wrote:
> Is it possible for Ant to read build files from memory?
Yes, but it takes some effort. The entry point for this would be a
custom ProjectHelper implementation[1].
Note that there are several parts in Ant that assume there is some sort
of File that defines the
Hi Xiao-
supposedly yes ...if you can get your File to extend apache jackrabbit
I would not rely on any java implementor to guarantee your Java Object will be
"in memory" vs "on disk"