The vars override the property for the current target and antcall targets. I
have seen something about using callback to call and allow var changes to come
back but haven't tried it. So, if you use vars to override existing properties
make sure you watch the scope of usage. The var can disappear
> I would recommend using ant-contrib's and logic to overwrite
> properties and dynamically assign the values you need to implement your
> solution:
normally properties in ant are immutable once set, but you may always
use the ant a
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 9:05 AM
Subject: RE: Overwrite Property at runtime
Hi Barry, Thanks for the response.
Since it's not a ANT releated property, I done think providing
an option of -DPROP_VALUE from cmd prompt would work.
Also, I cant afford to
fined inside a java file, and it needs to be
manipulated by ANT.
Let me know if i have not made myself clear enough.
-Original Message-
From: Barry Andreasen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 4:51 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: Overwrite Property at ru
Sent: Wed 1/23/2008 17:00
Subject: Overwrite Property at runtime
Hi Experts,
I need to assign value of property at run time in ANT .
This property variable is defined inside
Hi Experts,
I need to assign value of property at run time in ANT .
This property variable is defined inside a Java file which has to be set
during run time. Its NOT related to Ant properties.
I tried using but it didn't
For eg