AW: Classpath and taskdef

2009-11-17 Thread Knuplesch, Juergen
: Dienstag, 17. November 2009 15:32 An: Ant Users List Betreff: RE: Classpath and taskdef javap bytecode listing of xercesImpl.jar which i have that is packaged with $ANT_HOME/lib/xercesImpl.jar 09/08/2009 07:16 PM 1,223,877 xercesImpl.jar public class

RE: Classpath and taskdef

2009-11-17 Thread Martin Gainty
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Classpath and taskdef

2009-11-17 Thread Knuplesch, Juergen
Hello, I created a task called dope-task. This task gets the following exception, but only when I use Ant. I have the same functionality without Ant and everything works fine. I fear that this is a classptah issue. It happen s when parsing XML. I want to use the xmlparser of Java 1.6.0_17, but