bootstrapping ant and junit CLASSPATH location?

2008-11-20 Thread Marc Weber
the build.xml contains this: causing ./ to fail bcause junit is not found. Inserting a solves it. However I wonder wether there is a better way than patching the build.xml file? Why isn't a property or such used ? Sincerly Marc Weber

Re: ant and junit assertion error

2008-07-31 Thread tacman
#x27;s bin folder... et voila. This took me a week to figure out... :-U -- View this message in context: Sent from the Ant - Users mailing list archive at

Re: ant and junit assertion error

2008-07-31 Thread Andy Stevens
2008/7/31 tacman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hi > > I am using JUnit and Ant to run/build/test my java code. Using the optional task, presumably. What versions of Ant & JUnit? > Whenever I try to run a test class (ant test) I receive the following error: > > junit.framework.AssertionErrorFailed => n

ant and junit assertion error

2008-07-31 Thread tacman
s anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Ant - Users mailing list archive at - To u

Ant and Junit

2008-02-06 Thread Knuplesch, Juergen
How do I run in Ant 1.6.5 a Junite-Tests that are stored in a classfile that contains the .class-files of the tests. uses a fileset, but how do I put the content of a jarfile to Junit? If I do it in a Batchfile it is no problem. Example this does not work (The jarfile is part of the junit.class

Re: Ant and Junit

2006-03-13 Thread Adam Stroud
ice would be to place the junit.jar in $ANT_HOME/lib > or in ~/.ant/lib. > > For a full explation read: > > > Peter > > > On 3/12/06, Adam Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > All: > > >

Re: Ant and Junit

2006-03-13 Thread Peter Reilly
AIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > All: > > I just have a question about ant and junit. I have been trying to get > junit to work cleanly with ant for a few days now. Based on the > searching I have done on the Internet it seems that this is somewhat > problematic. Anyways, I hav

Ant and Junit

2006-03-11 Thread Adam Stroud
All: I just have a question about ant and junit. I have been trying to get junit to work cleanly with ant for a few days now. Based on the searching I have done on the Internet it seems that this is somewhat problematic. Anyways, I have chosen to go the route of removing ant-junit.jar from