Is the manual not clear enough? How to improve that?
>-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>Von: Petar Tahchiev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2005 09:29
>An: Ant Users List
>Betreff: Re: Ant or Subant question
>On 26/10/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>However I was asking myself another question. What happens
>with the basedir project's attributes?
>From the manual
"If you want to run directory1/mybuild.xml, directory2/mybuild.xml, , use
the antfile
attribute. The subant task does not set the base directory for you in this
case, b
Mmh, just have a look at the last example in s manual [1].
A project has several modules. Each module has in own buildfile, which is
a project standard file - so it´s only one statement.
And there is a master buildfile which builds all modules. Just call a "compile"
the master and