Thanks for your reply Andrew.
I changed the name from "scanlogs" to "copylogs" by while sending the mail.
The problem at line 94 is with the line highlighted. I don't understand why
it's showing the error for ${logs}, where in actually the copying part
works successfully. It copies the file
In your Ant output, I don't see any calls to the targets you provided. It
looks like your error is occuring in some other target (maybe scanlogs).
Go to line 94 in your script to see if you're looking at the right target.
On 12/15/06, Dharmesh Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Gro
Hello Group,
I am trying to call one target from another and while calling the other
target I am passing a parameter value which is to be used in the called
target. Here it is what I am doing.
After running the target it the copying of the file happens successfully but
it thows a