catch (IOException localIOException)
Is there something particular to javac that makes the throw in the catch
block "disappear" once the bytecode is decompiled? wrote:
> Hello all!
result when you decompile the same file twice?
>> I am not an expert but i think the decompiler can produce different code
>> that achieves the same thing. Try to decompile the same file twice and
>> see
>> if the decompiler produces the same code.
Hello all and thanks for your replies
By different I mean that once decompiled (with jd) or dissassembled with
javap, the resulting files are different.
In order to use the same javac options on the command line, I ran Ant with
the -debug option.
That being done I was able to copy the argument
Hello All,
when compiling using the Ant javac task on my machine (JDK1.5) I end up
getting bytecode that's different then when I compile the same code on the
same machine but through the command line javac.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Thanks in advance!
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