Anyone know why is it taking 9 seconds to copy 800
files that ends with ".properties" but if I renamed
these files with ".blah", it only takes me 3 seconds?
Here are the two different tests I used:
try updating the ant shell/batch file. I am using
1.6.2 in Windows, so looking at
this is what I would do (see where I place your
if not "%CLASSPATH%"=="" goto runAntWithClasspath
Is there a way to delete a set of directories and
subdirectories matching a pattern?
For example, I want to delete "blah1234" and
"blahabcdefg" since they both begins with "blah".
I tried to use the following to delete any directory
named with "blah*", but it didn't work.
There is an task that you can use to prompt the user. See
As for concatenating user input with ".home", you can do
Edward Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am trying to build an and build process where the user will run ant
and it will p