isely for doing the sort of stuff you appear to be doing.
Looks very interesting, may have to try it. I'd suggest that the
site owners consider not using light grey type on white pages,
Ron Jeffries
The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we w
e of ant but it may give you
> some ideas.
Thanks for the pointer, Bill ... it looks interesting. I'll see if I
can find time to drill down a bit.
Thanks again,
Ron Jeffries
A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the
'm just using Ant for this one task in my life,
>> creating my web site, I may choose not to go down the SVN path.
> ahh, go on, use a or two just to check state :)
Life's so short. Maybe if the weather's too wet for top down driving
Ron Jeffries
creating my web site, I may choose not to go down the SVN path.
I'll probably have to at least take a look, though -- it sounds
Ron Jeffries
You have to either laugh or cry. -- Bill Rogers
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e problem we could always add it as part of Ant's
> unit tests for ; that way we know which runtimes are more trouble...
I'll add it to my list, but think it'll be a low priority story
unless I decide to write an article about how it's harder to submit
a problem report on Xala
Thanks to you and Antoine for the pointers: I'll save them against
the day when something else breaks. I'm sure that day will come.
Thanks again!
Ron Jeffries
Get over it. -- The Eagles
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right eyes. Getting it in front of
the right eyes, though ... that's a biotch. Maybe later.
Thanks for the response and the pointers, Antoine. I'll try to
generate the energy to push further.
Ron Jeffries
Master your instrument, maste
s might be interested?
Ron Jeffries
To follow the path:
Look to the master; Follow the master; Walk with the master;
See through the master; Become the master. -- Modern Zen Poem
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