AW: RE: Pass build failure message to the calling script

2015-03-25 Thread RZF, SG 481
Not sure if this would fit your needs: - write a custome build logger and store the required information in a new file - check the content of that file Jan package org.apache.ant; import*; import*; public class ResultBuildLogger extends DefaultLogger { publi

AW: Maven Ant Plugin question

2014-03-27 Thread RZF, SG 481
Don't be confused by Ants output: the start of does not mean that Ant wants to open the connection: [get] Getting: [get] To: /home/usera/.m2/repository/javassist/javassist/ 3.1

AW: Packaging ant scripts into a jar

2013-01-17 Thread RZF, SG 481
If I read the source of Ants main class [1] I would think, that the buildfile must be a real file on the file system. It cannot be run from the classpath. What do you expect from bundling the buildfile in a jar? A workaround is using a "launcher buildfile" which extracts the content oft he jar

AW: question about tstamp

2012-11-23 Thread RZF, SG 481
Use Jan ${time} * inheritall="false" * * inheritall="true" * ${nr}: ${time} -Ursprüngliche N

AW: R: [newbie] excute multiple jar files

2012-11-23 Thread RZF, SG 481
I wouldnt start java programs via exec. I modified the tutorial example a litte bit. Basically you iterate with AntContrib over the JARs and start them via . Jan /src/oata/ package oata; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { // Tutorial m

AW: Is there a JavaDoc style tool for generating docs for custom ANT tasks

2012-11-23 Thread RZF, SG 481
AFAIK there was some work in But I dont know any "official" tool. Jan -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Bob Tarling [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26. September 2012 20:45 An: Betreff: I