James Abley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
James, thanks for your suggestion. I tried it, and it produces the same
behavior as
Namely, the actual argument Ant passes is "argument that has a literal " as
part of its value", including the surround quotations.
So, if I do an echo for each variable
temp.cmd argument^ that^ has^ a^ literal^ ^"^ as^ part^ of^ its^ value
The above is properly treated as 1 argument.
Actually, turns out that the ^ does not even work from the command prompt.
I guess I can try doing this:
temp.cmd "argument that has a literal "" as part of its value"
as a close appr
Thanks Bill for the suggestion. I tried it, but it did not work. Maybe I
can give a better example that illustrates the problem.
I want to pass my script an argument that has quotation marks and spaces
inside it.
Here is the contents of my script, temp.cmd:
start "Arg1" cmd /K echo %1
start "
I am trying to read a property from my build.properties file and pass it as
an to a script that I . The problem is that the property value
contains literal quotation marks inside, and they get corrupted during the
This is the property in build.properties:
I think I have another workaround. [It is kinda related to Mark Hansen's
approach in that it uses another class, but the class is used differently
here (I think). I only make a call once, instead of each time in setup().]
Here it is: If inside a test case method in my TestCase class I instanti
Hi Mark,
Thanks for sharing your tip. I read your link,
To get the output from these logging statements to appear in your JUnit
report (TEST-package.TestFoo.xml) generated for the test TestFoo.java,
you need the following log4j configuration stuff in TestFoo.jar.[.java?]
A static reference to the
I am using Ant's task to run my JUnit tests, which happen to have
log4j statements. Currently, my log.properties file is outputting the logs
to the console.
Inside the task, I am using to capture test results into
XML test reports. Currently, it is capturing the System.out lines from my